Ebook or “real” book? #MFRWauthor

There was a time, in the long ago, when our only choice was to read “real” books. That is to hold an actual thing bound as a hardback or paperback. We had to hold the book open—sometimes to press it to keep it open—and keep it at the proper reading height. Sometimes those tomes were heavy. Sometimes the binding was such that it took real effort to keep the book open and we creased the spines. If we dropped the book, we lost our place. We couldn’t easily prop it open to read while we ate, or we had to hold the book open one-handed if we wanted to drink a cup of coffee. Those days ended for me when hubby bought me an ebook reader for Christmas. I’ve hardly had a better gift!

The reader was made by RCA. It had a handle for easy handling and a backlit screen. I’ll admit, I sometimes get new technology and I think about it for awhile before I start using it. Not this ebook reader! I had it up and running and looking for places to buy ebooks right away. Back then, Powell’s in Portland was just about the only place, other then through RCA itself. Since then I’ve bought another reader like that one when the company sold it, and two Kindles.

We used to move a lot. I remember times when we had boxes upon boxes ofOne Woman Only by Dee S. Knight on tablet books to lug around. Then you need places to put them. Now I can carry the equivalent of those boxes on one Kindle. Granted, actual books won’t run out of power in the middle of a chapter and have to be recharged, but the convenience of my Kindle outweighs the inconvenience.

People say they like to hold a book in their hands. That they love the smell of the paper. (They’ve obviously never “smelled” the paper when the basement floods and boxes of books stored there have gotten soaked.) I say, more power to them. I’m glad there are still real books available. Using a Kindle cookbook isn’t to my liking, so even I see a need for the real thing now and then. But for the most part? I’ll love and cherish my electronic book reader!

How about you?

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Burning Bridges by Anne Krist
One Woman Only
Only a Good Man Will Do
Naval Maneuvers

Hearing your words instead of reading them–what a rush!

Good Girl Gone Bad PodcastToday I had the pleasure of being the featured author on Good Girl Gone Bad Podcast. I submitted my short story, “Invitations to a Wedding,” months ago for the owners’ consideration, and she thought it was sufficiently sexy to qualify. I’m thrilled with how it turned out!

Invitations to a Wedding

If you enjoy the story, please share it with your friends and followers!

One Woman Only: The Good Man Series, Book 2 Jonah’s story! Can a simple mechanic rekindle with his high school love? She says no, but Jonah loves a challenge!

Mystic Desire
Only a Good Man Will Do
Naval Maneuvers

An Understanding Family #MFRWauthor

I have struggled today to think of what only my family understands about me and I have to say, I couldn’t think of a thing. I mean, I’m kind of an open book. I asked hubby and even my mom and they thought the same—nope, what you see with Dee is what you get. Nothing special to understand there. I’m not sure if I’m pleased or ticked, but it is what it is. Still, my husband Jack is in a position to fit this topic.

Where I had polio as a baby, Jack had dyslexia. Two very different problems but both crippling in their own ways. With polio, I grew up having surgeries, limping, and wearing braces. My difficulties were easy to see. People quickly made my way easier because my problems were clear. Jack, on the other hand, suffered under the opposite perspective.

When we were in school, dyslexia wasn’t recognized as a learning difficulty. If you couldn’t read it was because you weren’t trying hard enough, you Dyslexiaweren’t reading enough, you were lazy or stupid. Jack’s teachers said as much about him in his classes. His problem was not plain to anyone looking at him. He looked sweet as an angel, but normal. Without some physical sign, there was nothing wrong. At least, that’s what people thought. So while I was given a pass for not being able to run, Jack was not given a pass for not being able to read.

That brings me to the topic of our blog post. No one but Jack’s family—and most particular, his mother—understood how hard he tried to do the things his teachers asked of him. Only his family knew the extra hours he put in studying, how lost he felt when he didn’t understand why he didn’t see theLearning disability same things the other kids did, or how much hurt he bottled up inside. His mom tried so hard to help him but didn’t know exactly what to do to make things better. Later, she gained her master’s degree in education with a specialty in reading so she could help other kids with Jack’s problem, so some good came of his hard time growing up. And as his family now, only I truly understand his pride in finishing his degree summa cum laude. It was a huge accomplishment and I’m so proud of him.

All of his feelings about school were impossible to explain to friends. Beyond his actual physical disability, years of trying and failing to succeed at schooling takes a psychological toll, too. But that’s what family is for, right? To support and be there when no one else understands what’s going on in your life?

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Only a Good Man Will Do: Seriously ambitious man seeks woman to encourage his goals, support his (hopeful) position as Headmaster of Westover Academy, and be purer than Caesar’s wife. Good luck with that!

Naval Maneuvers: When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!

Reading, Writing, or Living? #MFRWauthor

Right now, I’m living. Living with a computer that bit the dust over the weekend, darn it. I would have said something stronger but this is a family site. 😉

Yes, this old machine is close to ten years old. It’s served us well and we’ve gotten our money’s worth, but still, why oh why does technology have to give up the ghost? I mean, ever? Is it too much to ask that a computer never die?? I mean, really?

I loved this machine. Loved the speed, loved the screen resolution, loved the memory capacity. I loved it from its little motherboard to its raid stacks. Desktop computerFrom its DVD writable drive to its mic plug. I’ve lived with this machine for so many years I had to look up the date we bought it. Now its chugging away back in the office trying to recover files at the manufacturer’s settings so we can see how much stuff we’ll be able to recover. (Note to self: Have “Back up more!!” tattooed on forehead.)

In the meantime, while I’m learning to live without my computer, I’m reading! Just finished the very sexy Block Shot, which I loved, and then twoReading on Kindle by Becky Wade that were Christian books (yes, I like my reading eclectic 😉 ), True to You and Falling for You. Both made me laugh and Falling for You made me cry, too.

Speaking of crying, I’m going to go now and shed a few tears for my computer. I’ll be feeling low until the new one arrives next week. 😉 Hooray!

To read the next post in this week’s blog hop, go here.

Only a Good Man Will Do
Naval Maneuvers

POV Quandary #MFRWauthor

When I first started writing I was told point blank, no first person!! I was told that if I wanted to write in first person I might as well make up my mind not Writing a bestseller--in third person.to be published because no editor wanted first person point of view. Now of course, that’s not the case—lots of erotic romances are in first person, and a good many other genre books are, too. Times change, opinions change.

I always liked reading first person because it gives a much greater insight into each primary person’s feelings. As a writer, I think first person forcesMe, me, me! First person. us to stretch since another character’s emotions have to be revealed through the POV of the focus character. That’s not always easy.

In a writing class once, all of us were having trouble with the assignment until the teacher said to switch to first person. Wow! My writing flowed like water off a cliff. Dialogue was sharper, feelings exploded off the page, and I could barely get words written fast enough. So why do I write in third person…?

Heck if I know. Maybe I should give first person a try.

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Naval Maneuvers When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!

Sizzling Summer Reveal

While the summer nights might be slipping by, they are still sizzling hot
If you love heat like we do, you’ll love the fantastic romantic fiction that can be found on the blogs of this hop. 
From sweet to downright sizzling, you’ll be sure to find something that you will fall in love with!
Thank you to the authors who are in the hop, and a special thank you to our two main sponsors, Books & More and Sensuous Promos!
Now go on…. get your hop on!


Naval Maneuvers by Dee S. KnightDuty, honor, service aren’t just words. Apply them to loving a woman, and see how hot Naval Maneuvers can get!

Naval Maneuvers is a book dedicated to the good men an women of the military, and specifically the U.S. Navy. They protect the seas and our country. But that’s not all they protect. They also watch over the hearts and souls of the ones they love.

Please leave a comment and mention Naval Maneuvers before you go on to the next blog in the blog hop. Thanks for participating!

5 Things I Should Do When Not Writing #MFRWauthor

As a writer, I’ve oft heard that writers should write something every single day. So today I’m writing this blog post of things I should/could do if not writing this blog post. It’s a little circular, but stick with me.

  1. Keeping house. If I were a really good wife, fulfilling the expectations of my generation, I’d say that when not writing I should clean the house. BCleaning houseut luckily for me, my mother taught me that dust bunnies regenerate (like bunnies) no matter how many times you Swiffer the floor, and you’re just going to get back in bed again, so making it is only so important. I’m not sure my husband knew my feelings on housecleaning when he married me, but he hasn’t filed for divorce yet, so I might be okay.
  2. Learning to cook like professional chef. One thing I found out about hubby soon after we married is that he likes meat and green stuff. He might tolerate other food groups, but that’s what he really likes. Nothing spicy. Nothing herb-y. Nothing with pepper in it. Nothing too Cooking like a chefdifferent from standard fare. I once proudly told my mom that Jack was so easy to cook for because he was happy with chicken and spinach. Yeah, well, after years of chicken and spinach a woman longs for a bit more. Some chili or pasta, for instance. Still, I don’t have to give up writing in order to work my way through Joy of Cooking—Jack wouldn’t eat most of that food. There’s always a silver lining!
  3. Building something. By “something” I mean cabinets or furniture. Houses. You know what I mean. Besides the fact that I can’t drive a nail straight, I’d rather buy furniture and cabinets—that way they actually stand up and are level.
  4. Making my own clothes. I learned long ago that making clothing started with cutting the pattern properly, and I never was able to do that. I tried, I really did, but some people have the knack and some don’t. There was never any question in which group I belonged. I really admire people who can sew (and knit and crochet) their own wardrobes. I wish they would do it for me…
  5. Reading. Watching HGTV and ID. Now, while the items above this are things I should/could do when not writing, this is one I would do (and do A good book trumps dust bunnies every time!do!) when not writing. When Mom taught me about dust bunnies she actually said, “Forget dust bunnies. There’s always time for a good book!” And boy, was she right! I admit to enjoying watching all of those people building furniture and cabinets and such on HGTV, as well as murdering people (and getting caught!) on ID. The brain needs a rest, y’all!

What do you do when you’re not doing something you should be doing…like writing?

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Naval Maneuvers When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!

Favorite Indulgence #MFRWauthor

Is it any surprise that a writer’s greatest indulgence is reading? At least, it is mine. I love taking the car for an oil change or waiting a long time in the Reading Kindle in airportdentist’s office because that affords me guilt-free reading time. Five hours between flights? Gosh, that’s too bad. I guess I’ll just have to read. Thirty minutes between ordering my meal and receiving it? Darn it, I’ll be forced to open this book I have in my purse.

I rejoice in moments like this outside the house because when I’m home there is always something to do that if I don’t do it I feel guilty. But if I’m out of the house and virtually stuck, well, what’s a girl to do? It’s why I always have something with me to read—a book in my purse, a book in the car, my Kindle in the passenger seat. One never knows when a traffic light will stretch out long enough to read a paragraph or two.

So this photo shows a double indulgence: reading with my hubby. (Full disclosure, that man is not my husband. He’s cute, though.) Reading with husbandThe reason this is such a welcome indulgence is this. Jack grew up with dyslexia in the dark days when dyslexia wasn’t really recognized as a problem. When we grew up, if you couldn’t read it was because you didn’t try hard enough, or you didn’t read enough (figure that one out!), or you were stupid. I despaired of his ever reading anything other than technical manuals or the IRS guidelines. Now, with text to speech programs, he can listen to books and we actually spend quiet evenings “reading” together. It’s a together time that I love!

Now that summer is here, I can envision me with my Kindle on a beach somewhere, just like this. Woman who is not me reading on beachOf course, I don’t look anything like this young lady (sadly), I don’t really enjoy beaches, and I burn if I’m out in the sun more than ten minutes. But I have the Kindle, so life is still good! Happy reading, summer, winter, fall, and spring!

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Naval Maneuvers When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!