Sizzling Summer Reveal

While the summer nights might be slipping by, they are still sizzling hot
If you love heat like we do, you’ll love the fantastic romantic fiction that can be found on the blogs of this hop. 
From sweet to downright sizzling, you’ll be sure to find something that you will fall in love with!
Thank you to the authors who are in the hop, and a special thank you to our two main sponsors, Books & More and Sensuous Promos!
Now go on…. get your hop on!


Naval Maneuvers by Dee S. KnightDuty, honor, service aren’t just words. Apply them to loving a woman, and see how hot Naval Maneuvers can get!

Naval Maneuvers is a book dedicated to the good men an women of the military, and specifically the U.S. Navy. They protect the seas and our country. But that’s not all they protect. They also watch over the hearts and souls of the ones they love.

Please leave a comment and mention Naval Maneuvers before you go on to the next blog in the blog hop. Thanks for participating!

Hitting the Lottery—Oh, My! #MFRWauthor

I used to say that hitting the lottery was my retirement plan. Just think. You could spend your whole life living wildly, with no concern for the morrow Lottery!and then, when you reach your Golden Years, pick the right numbers and be set up for the rest of time. How great would that be?? Unfortunately, life rarely happens like that. Still, it’s fun to imagine…

So voicing our wish lists of things we’d like to do if we won the lottery has always been a fun thing for Jack and me to do on long trips. Here is my Lottery Life Plan:

  1. Pay off bills.
  2. Buy my mom and aunt a place of their own, along with pool and pool boy.
  3. Donate lots to charities we hold dear.
  4. Travel.
  5. Travel.
  6. Travel.

There are so many places to go and so little time to see them all. For instance, I love Scotland but I haven’t seen nearly all of it. And I haven’t setScotland foot in Wales or Ireland, so I could probably spend a year or more on just those two islands. And Italy is a place I’d like to spend more time. I’d like to go on a safari to southern Africa, and see the Maldives. If I had the money to spread the trip out (with stops in Hawaii and Tahiti, for example), I’d hop on a plane to New Zealand and visit my pal Jan in Australia—someplace I’ve always wanted to go (despite their poisonous snakes and spiders). Closer to home, I’d like to revisit western Canada, and points here in the U.S. Sounds like so much fun!

However, as much fun as it is to think about and to dream about, I have to admit we’re pretty happy with life as it is. Do I want a big house, new car, Travelyacht, island, wardrobe, and expensive jewelry? Nope. Best off not having any of that stuff. It would be nice, though, to see new places and share the adventure with those I love, which really means spending time with those I love, and we can do that with very little cash at all.

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Naval Maneuvers When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!

Best Holiday Memory #MFRWauthor

This is a hard topic because hubby and I have shared so many great holidays, and all of them special. But for this blog post I go back to childhood. My dad was in the Navy and was often gone for holidays (birthdays, anniversaries, school events… You military families know what I mean.), but when he was at home for the Fourth of July, we always made a big celebration of it.

When we first moved to Virginia, we lived in Virginia Beach. For the Fourth, we would pack a picnic and head for the ocean, either at Virginia Beach proper or the beach at Dam Neck, where Dad was stationed the first twoShips and flags years we were there. We spent hours sunbathing, crashing through the surf, and laughing with friends or talking. Later, burned and sleepy from the sun and fresh air, we drove home to shower and change clothes and nap a spell. But later that afternoon, after a seafood dinner at our favorite local spot (Hurd’s, which I think is gone now) we headed for Norfolk and Ocean View amusement park. Not that I ever rode it, but they had a huge wooden roller coaster. I got on lots of other rides, though, and we walked around to see all the sights and hear all the sounds. We ate cotton candy and drank Coke, and generally Beach, sun, and fungorged ourselves on the celebration of our independence. After dark, fireworks lit the sky over the bay and we Oooed and Ahhhhed over the burst of lights. Finally, we made our way through the crowd to the car and drove home. Lucky me—I was able to sleep in the next day!

Jack and I still stay up to watch the fireworks, and we’re no less appreciative of the day and its significance than we were as kids. But memories of those childhood days splashing carefree through the ocean waves, the taste of spun sugar melting on the tongue, and the feeling of safety and love July Fourthsurrounding me from my parents as we walked through that amusement park, still burst through me like those rockets that filled the air over the water with light and sound.

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Naval Maneuvers When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!

Favorite Indulgence #MFRWauthor

Is it any surprise that a writer’s greatest indulgence is reading? At least, it is mine. I love taking the car for an oil change or waiting a long time in the Reading Kindle in airportdentist’s office because that affords me guilt-free reading time. Five hours between flights? Gosh, that’s too bad. I guess I’ll just have to read. Thirty minutes between ordering my meal and receiving it? Darn it, I’ll be forced to open this book I have in my purse.

I rejoice in moments like this outside the house because when I’m home there is always something to do that if I don’t do it I feel guilty. But if I’m out of the house and virtually stuck, well, what’s a girl to do? It’s why I always have something with me to read—a book in my purse, a book in the car, my Kindle in the passenger seat. One never knows when a traffic light will stretch out long enough to read a paragraph or two.

So this photo shows a double indulgence: reading with my hubby. (Full disclosure, that man is not my husband. He’s cute, though.) Reading with husbandThe reason this is such a welcome indulgence is this. Jack grew up with dyslexia in the dark days when dyslexia wasn’t really recognized as a problem. When we grew up, if you couldn’t read it was because you didn’t try hard enough, or you didn’t read enough (figure that one out!), or you were stupid. I despaired of his ever reading anything other than technical manuals or the IRS guidelines. Now, with text to speech programs, he can listen to books and we actually spend quiet evenings “reading” together. It’s a together time that I love!

Now that summer is here, I can envision me with my Kindle on a beach somewhere, just like this. Woman who is not me reading on beachOf course, I don’t look anything like this young lady (sadly), I don’t really enjoy beaches, and I burn if I’m out in the sun more than ten minutes. But I have the Kindle, so life is still good! Happy reading, summer, winter, fall, and spring!

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Naval Maneuvers When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!