Secret Christmas wish #MFRWauthor

Christmas wish--cleaning lady!There actually isn’t too much I would like to have for Christmas. Most everything I’d like to have, we have. We don’t live too high, but with just the two of us and very small extended families, we generally buy what we want when we want it. I know I’m blessed, and I try to be appropriately grateful. However… I do wish we could afford some household help. As a housekeeper I make a great trombone player. I was raised by a mom who loved to read, and she told me that dust bunnies can always wait until after the next chapter…and the next. I learned the lesson well. But now, I’m physically unable to care for things as I should. It would be nice to have someone come in every two weeks or so and just do the things very hard for me to do without pain—like vacuuming/scrubbing floors or cleaning the bathrooms.

However, that’s one wish Santa will not be filling. I’m not too upset as I Christmas wish under treeknow things will get done eventually by me. I’m my own little elf! 😉

Do you have a secret Christmas wish that (darn it!) probably won’t be under the tree?

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Burning Bridges by Anne Krist
One Woman Only
Only a Good Man Will Do
Naval Maneuvers

Relief! I don’t have to do it again! #MFRWauthor

Cleaning suppliesI’ll admit it. I’m cheap. So to ask what I would pay someone else to do in my place is kind of a hard one. There are plenty of things I don’t like to do—dusting, vacuuming, spring cleaning, cleaning the bathroom (notice a theme here?)—but would I actually pay someone money to do them for me? Hmm. Maybe. It’s all relative. How much are we talking here?

When I lived in Virginia, years ago, I paid a woman I know $25/day to come in every two weeks and do the things I listed above, except spring cleaning. She spent 2-3 hours and when I came home, it was heaven! To get the same service now I’d have to pay three times that amount. I’m not sure $75/day would feel like heaven or hell. Sure, the house would be clean but… $75!! There’s a limit to how much I’m willing to give up for a clean house!

What I would pay someone else to do for me—and I do pay for—is take Lawn carecare of the lawn. I spent m childhood mowing the grass, but I sure don’t want to do it now. We have a postage-size lawn area, but it’s still worth it to pay a young man to fertilize, trim and mow the grass. Now there is less chance of meeting up with a snake, being injured by a stray rock, or getting sunburned on my neck. Win-win all around!

Yes, I am cheap, but even I have my dreams. And I will pay for them! 😉

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Mystic Desire: A collection of supernatural tales sure to keep you up at night, peering into the shadows! Or just wide awake, reading.
Only a Good Man Will Do

Naval Maneuvers 

5 Things I Should Do When Not Writing #MFRWauthor

As a writer, I’ve oft heard that writers should write something every single day. So today I’m writing this blog post of things I should/could do if not writing this blog post. It’s a little circular, but stick with me.

  1. Keeping house. If I were a really good wife, fulfilling the expectations of my generation, I’d say that when not writing I should clean the house. BCleaning houseut luckily for me, my mother taught me that dust bunnies regenerate (like bunnies) no matter how many times you Swiffer the floor, and you’re just going to get back in bed again, so making it is only so important. I’m not sure my husband knew my feelings on housecleaning when he married me, but he hasn’t filed for divorce yet, so I might be okay.
  2. Learning to cook like professional chef. One thing I found out about hubby soon after we married is that he likes meat and green stuff. He might tolerate other food groups, but that’s what he really likes. Nothing spicy. Nothing herb-y. Nothing with pepper in it. Nothing too Cooking like a chefdifferent from standard fare. I once proudly told my mom that Jack was so easy to cook for because he was happy with chicken and spinach. Yeah, well, after years of chicken and spinach a woman longs for a bit more. Some chili or pasta, for instance. Still, I don’t have to give up writing in order to work my way through Joy of Cooking—Jack wouldn’t eat most of that food. There’s always a silver lining!
  3. Building something. By “something” I mean cabinets or furniture. Houses. You know what I mean. Besides the fact that I can’t drive a nail straight, I’d rather buy furniture and cabinets—that way they actually stand up and are level.
  4. Making my own clothes. I learned long ago that making clothing started with cutting the pattern properly, and I never was able to do that. I tried, I really did, but some people have the knack and some don’t. There was never any question in which group I belonged. I really admire people who can sew (and knit and crochet) their own wardrobes. I wish they would do it for me…
  5. Reading. Watching HGTV and ID. Now, while the items above this are things I should/could do when not writing, this is one I would do (and do A good book trumps dust bunnies every time!do!) when not writing. When Mom taught me about dust bunnies she actually said, “Forget dust bunnies. There’s always time for a good book!” And boy, was she right! I admit to enjoying watching all of those people building furniture and cabinets and such on HGTV, as well as murdering people (and getting caught!) on ID. The brain needs a rest, y’all!

What do you do when you’re not doing something you should be doing…like writing?

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Naval Maneuvers When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!