“Home … is where your heart beats.” Welcome Keren Hughes!

We are happy to welcome Keren Hughes and her new book, Home. Be sure to check below for Keren’s contest.

Home - Keren Hughes

~Home isn’t a physical place, it’s the place where your heart beats.~

Drew Wright always said he had the “reverse Midas touch”; everything he touched turned to shit instead of gold.

As a child, he was beaten, neglected, and abused by drug addicted parents whose next fix was more important than having food in the cupboard.

Plagued by flashbacks of a past that haunts him, he’s worked hard to become a paramedic and help others often caught in the grip of the same trauma he experienced.

After being set up on a blind date with the love of his life he thought he’d lost, it seemed his luck was turning and fate was giving him a second  chance. Happily married with two children, he has everything he ever dreamed of.

But then one tragic moment throws his world into upheaval and lands Drew in the middle of a battle to hang on to the life he loves.

Can he separate the past from the present and save his future?

Or will the demons that have stalked him his whole life finally devour him?

Home--Keren Hughes

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About Keren
Keren lives in the UK and is an avid bookworm. She fondly remembers the Keren Hughesdays where she would lie in her bedroom away from distraction and get lost in the world of make believe.

Her first real memory of reading something she fell in love with was The Hobbit. In her teenage years, she became addicted to Point Horror books like RL Stine’s The Boyfriend, but she also enjoyed light summer reads like What Katy Did and What Katy Did Next.

Over the years she has come to realise that she is a bit of an OCD freak about books. They have to be in perfect condition without the slightest bit of damage. She has been a book reviewer for the last few years and a book hoarder for a LOT longer. You can NEVER have too many books! Her shelves are bulging and overflowing but she always wants “just one more.”

Keren had her first book published by Limitless Publishing in November 2013. It’s a YA Paranormal Romance novel called Stolen. Her second book was published with LP in May 2014. This time, an NA Contemporary Romance called Nothing Like the First Time. She couldn’t have been more surprised when NLTFT appeared on the Amazon Best Seller list! That was a dream come true.

Since then, Keren has gone on to have her books published in box-sets by Crave Publishing. She is also published by Black Velvet Seductions.
Keren is currently working on more NA Contemporary Romances for you to fall in love with.


Visit her author blog here: www.authorkerentshughes.wordpress.com
Facebook page: www.facebook.com/kerentshughes
Goodreads profile: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7239538.Keren_Hughes
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Keren_Hughes
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keren_hughes/

Home--Keren Hughes

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