Charity Sunday: DAV Charitable Service Trust

How Charity Sunday works: for every comment made on this blog post, I will donate money to the charity named. The same promise is made for every blog site listed in the group–click the Linky Links link at the bottom of this post to see the list of participants and read/comment on any of them to see a donation go to that blogger’s charity. We’re all different! Thanks for your help and your participation!

In my normal quest to find organizations that benefit the military and service families, I don’t think I’ve ever donated to the DAV—the Disabled American Veterans Charitable Service Trust. This charity rates a 100%, 4-star rating from Charity Navigator. The DAV Charitable Service Trust is: “dedicated to one, single purpose: empowering veterans to lead high-quality lives with respect and dignity. To carry out this responsibility, the DAV Charitable Service Trust supports physical and psychological rehabilitation programs; enhances research and mobility for veterans with amputations and spinal cord injuries; benefits aging veterans; aids and shelters homeless veterans; and evaluates and addresses the needs of veterans wounded in recent wars and conflicts. For those of every era, the Trust also supports programs that benefit the caregivers and families of ill and injured veterans.”

Please comment! For each comment I will donate to this worthy organization.

Desire Me Again

The hopeless romantic believes that a soulmate exists for each of us. That there is one person who makes us feel how good it is to love them. For some couples, things trigger them to push that love away. They find out too late they’ve lost true-love. Sometimes genuine love deserves a second-chance at the happy ending that eluded them the first time.

Desire Me Again is an eclectic assortment of short stories exploring a second-chance at love. The collection is as diverse as the authors who wrote them. Here’s a chance to read the work of talented writers you may not have read before. Within these pages, there are blends of tender, often moving and thought-provoking stories.

Featuring: Annabel Allan, Patricia Elliott, R.M. Olivia, Carol Schoenig, Virginia Wallace, Gibby Campbell, Dee S. Knight, Alice Renaud, Jan Selbourne, Zia Westfield

Buy link:

From Second Chance:

“Tom,” Mrs. Henderson exclaimed. Like everyone he knew in their town, she stretched the one-syllable word into two. Tah-um. Until he’d joined the Corps he didn’t really know what people meant when they talked about southern accents. Now he considered the soft consonants and extended vowels charming. Part of being home.

Glancing over her shoulder, Tom saw Sandy stick her head around the kitchen wall. “Hey,” he called out to her. Then concentrating on her mother, he held out a bouquet. “These are for you, Mrs. Henderson.”

She flushed like a schoolgirl when she took the flowers. “How did you know that tulips are my favorite?”

He hadn’t.  He’d asked the florist to put together something cheerful that an older lady might like. He hoped the brightly colored blooms might bring a smile to Sandy, too.

“Just a guess,” he answered.

“Come in, come in,” Mrs. Henderson backed up and held the door wide.

He stepped into a living room that had seen very little change in the last two decades. It was neat but held a slight whiff of shabbiness. Mrs. Henderson would probably call it comfortable rather than shabby. Tom wondered what Sandy thought of it.

Finally, the woman in question emerged from the kitchen, wiping her hands on a dishtowel. The night was warm and she looked as though she’d just finished doing dishes. Her hair was damp and stuck to her forehead, and a light sheen of sweat clung to her cheeks. His groin tightened when he noticed that her shorts hugged her hips and her sleeveless blouse was slightly dampened, too, showing her white bra through the thin fabric. His mind filled with ways he could make her body slick with sweat, the ways he could make her much more than warm.

“I know I said we should try to get together before I leave, but I didn’t actually mean tonight.”

“I’m sorry to barge in, but I wanted to ask you to dinner tomorrow night.” Before Sandy could form “No, thank you,” as her lips where shaping up to do, he interjected, “And your mom, too.”

Her mother’s eyes widened and she slapped the hand holding the tulips to her chest. “Oh, my! Sandra, we have a beau!”

Sandy smiled. Then she turned to him. “I don’t know. We have so much to do here.”

“Sandra, please. It will be so much fun. I haven’t had dinner out since your father last took me, and that’s been…at least three years.” She turned to Tom. “Could we go to that cafeteria up on the highway?”

Tom laughed. “We can go anywhere you want.”

Mrs. Henderson snapped her head back toward Sandy. He knew the minute Sandy gave in. Her shoulders slumped slightly, but she smiled at her mother. “If Tom is willing to make every other man in town jealous by escorting the lovely Henderson women out to dinner, who am I to stand in his way?”

Author Dee S. Knight:

A few years ago, Dee S. Knight began writing, making getting up in the morning fun. During the day, her characters killed people, fell in love, became drunk with power, or sober with responsibility. And they had sex, lots of sex.

After a while, Dee split her personality into thirds. She writes as Anne Krist for sweeter romances, and Jenna Stewart for ménage and shifter stories. All three of her personas are found on the Nomad Authors website ( Fortunately, Dee’s high school sweetheart is the love of her life and husband to all three ladies! On the last Sunday of the month, look for Dee’s Charity Sunday blog posts, where your comment can support a selected charity. Sign up for her newsletter for exclusive access to free novellas, poetry, and stuff.

Author links:
Amazon Author Page:
Sweet ‘n Sassy Divas

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Steamy romances on sale!

BVS Anthologies on BookFunnel

Black Velvet Seductions has added published romance anthologies on Book Funnel! Check these out for some sexy and very romantic reading!

Three Nomad Authors are in these anthologies: Jan Selbourne, Alice Renault, and me, Dee S. Knight. In addition, Anne Krist makes an appearance in Mystic Desire. You’ll love these stories!!

Mystic Desire

Mystic Desire is a collection of short paranormal romance stories. This is a Mystic Desire: Sexy, steamy romancechance to read and discover the work of a diverse group of very talented authors.

The themes in this book are varied, as are the collection of characters and artifacts, including Native American dream catchers, mystical jewelry, and characters such as lustful vampires, hot warlocks, a grumpy leprechaun, a ghostly terrier, a zombie apocalypse and things that go bump in the night.

From soft and tender love to hot passionate, kinky sex, there is something for everyone in this anthology.

The Sweetest Magic of All–Alice Renault
When a sexy apprentice witch and a hot warlock go back in time to locate a magical amulet, they find more than they bargained for. It’s May Eve, the most magical night of the year, and normal rules don’t apply…

Through the Veil–Jan Selbourne
A beautiful March day in 1875 ends in tragedy when the wagon carrying Helen and Marcus plunges down the mountainside. Generations pass before Rachel Finlay finds an old sepia photo of a man and woman. She knows them but she’s never met them and now, for the peace of mind she desperately craves, she goes back to where it began. In time, through the veil, knowing she may never return.

An Awareness of Evil–Dee S. Knight
Only two things stand between evil and a small girl: the visions of Amanda McMasters and Detective Brendan Gilchrist. Neither can afford to be wrong.

Life Saving–Anne Krist
Saving lives isn’t just for adults. Sometimes the innocent magic of a child can do the job better.

Desire Me Again

Desire Me Again anthologyThe hopeless romantic believes that a soulmate exists for each of us. That there is one person who makes us feel how good it is to love them. For some couples, things trigger them to push that love away. They find out too late they’ve lost true-love. Sometimes genuine love deserves a second-chance at the happy ending that eluded them the first time.

Desire Me Again is an eclectic assortment of short stories exploring a second-chance at love. The collection is as diverse as the authors who wrote them. Here’s a chance to read the work of talented writers you may not have read before. Within these pages, there are blends of tender, often moving and thought-provoking stories.

Featuring: Annabel Allan, Patricia Elliott, R.M. Olivia, Carol Schoenig, Virginia Wallace, Gibby Campbell, Dee S. Knight, Alice Renaud, Jan Selbourne, Zia Westfield

A Convict’s Prayer–Jan Selbourne
Famine, disease, poverty and crime dominates 19th century Ireland, and Eleanor Craddock is just one of the thousands convicted of stealing to survive. However, it is her brother Thomas’s treachery that sentences her to transportation to Van Diemen’s Land (now Tasmania, Australia) for fourteen years. The only thing that keeps Eleanor going is her prayer that one day she will earn her ticket of leave, because only then can she apply for her two children to join her on the free emigration scheme.  This prayer is sorely tested during the long 13,000-mile journey on the convict ship Hope, the brutal Hobart Cascades Female Factory and her years as an assigned servant to the wealthy Ian Franks. Richard Barnett, horse trainer for Franks finds it almost impossible to break through Eleanor’s hard defensive wall until a theft of important documents.  This is a true story of two people finding love again.

The Holiday Mermaid–Alice Renault
Adam fell for surfer girl Rowena the second he saw her. But just as their summer fling was becoming serious, she left him without any explanation. Now, with Christmas just a few days away, she’s back… and Adam discovers that she’s a shape-shifting mermaid, from a Clan that hates humans. Can he love her as she is? Can she brave her family to be with Adam for good, not just for Christmas?

Second Chance–Dee S, Knight
Sandy Henderson had been a sweet, wholesome girl in her first year of college, sure of herself and totally in love with her high school sweetheart, Tom Pritchard. Then something happened that shattered her dreams, her confidence, her will to live. When she meets Tom again many years later, she resists taking a chance on love because of her secret, but Tom won’t give up on her. On them. Or will he, once she tells him about her past?

Cowboy Desire

For me, Cowboy Desire is the best BVS anthology yet—14 compelling stories Cowboy Desire anthologythat are all different and (what else?) include cowboys. Damn good writing!

The Long Paddock—Jan Selbourne
This is one of my favorite stories in the book. Jan delivers a real taste of Australia and wonderful romance!

Space Cowboy Blues—Alice Renaud
Even a universe isn’t wide enough to keep love at bay! Find out what it’s like to be a space cowboy who falls in an impossible romance.

Bird that Sings—Dee S. Knight
Is reincarnation a myth? Maybe so, but something strange is happening to Owen Gilchrist on his Montana ranch.

I think any reader will find something to like in these three anthologies. Give them a try, especially since they’re now available on Book Funnel!

New! Michael (Risking Love) by Callie Carmen

Michael by Callie Carmen

Michael is just released, which makes me both happy and sad. Happy because I love Callie’s writing style. Sad because this is the final installment in the Risking Love series. Welcome, Callie!

Thank you, Dee and Jan, for having me as a guest on your wonderful Nomad Author’s blog today. I’m excited about sharing with you all a bit of my latest novel, Michael (Book Six Risking Love).

In Michael, I write about two of the parties that Olivia had to attend during the holidays. One ended up being an uncomfortable situation for her. The other was a disaster. However, the two locations where the parties took part were lovely. I have included and excerpt from Michael for the one that took place at The Gandy Dancer Restaurant including photos.

Gandy Dancer

Olivia had spent enough time on memories of her ex-boyfriend’s abuse. She was going to put all of her efforts into her new business career. And try to convince her boss, Vice President Michael Evans, that the woman he’d been dating was nothing more than an opportunist and that she’d climb into bed with anyone that could get her to the top.

Michael, who lost his younger sister to an abusive relationship, was falling in love with Olivia. He kept his distance from her and waited patiently for a sign that she was ready for his love.

Michael is the sixth and last novel in the Risking Love series. The stories chart a group of friends through life and love. These steamy stories will have you laughing, crying, and your heart racing.

Buy link:
Kindle US


The Gandy Dancer Restaurant

Gandy Dancer DiningIf it wasn’t for Veronica, I would have been thrilled that we had just pulled up in front of the beautiful Michigan Central Depot, which was a historical architectural landmark from 1886. I had read that in 1970 they had spent a fortune to restore the gorgeous stone building and turn it into the elegant Gandy Dancer Restaurant.

I’d eaten here once on my parents’ thirtieth wedding anniversary. That day we were seated on the trackside, which had been exciting. The wall-to-wall windows allowed us to watch the passing trains just yards away from our seats. The food had been amazing, but the prices were way above my budget while I’d been saving money for a home. So I hadn’t returned until now.

Upon entering the restaurant, the concierge greeted us. Michael handed him our invitation.

“Very good, Sir. The cocktail portion of the evening is not yet over. It’s upstairs in the Mezzanine. They will serve dinner in The Wolverine Room in a half hour. I hope you both enjoy your evening.”

“Thank you. I’m sure we will,” I chirped, sounding more optimistic than I felt about the evening with the dragon lady.

Gandy Dancer DiningWe walked upstairs to the Mezzanine, where we were received by Mr. Dickinson. He was the host, and was the founding partner of one of the largest law firms in Detroit. Michael had explained on the way that their firm did business with us. I wasn’t just Michael’s date, I was also representing our corporation, which was enough to deal with. But there was the maneater and she was connected to Mr. Dickinson’s hip.

“Olive, it’s so good to see you again.” Dragon lady smiled.

I cringed.

“Where are my manners? You three stay here and chat, and I’ll get us all a drink,” Veronica volunteered.

Hmm, was she trying to look sweet and innocent to her new sugar daddy?

“Michael, are you still drinking rusty nails?” He nodded. “Olive, what can I get you?”

“It’s Olivia.” I smiled.

“Oh yes. How silly of me.” She smirked.

“I’d love a mojito. Thank you.” She walked off to get the drinks. Good riddance.

Bella and Joshua came over to chat. The men started talking about sports, which I usually enjoyed too, but I needed to talk with Bella before the dragon lady returned with the drinks.

“She started already with her Olive crap. Right in front of Michael,” I whispered.

“If she’s willing to be that blatant in front of him, she must have something really special planned to make you look bad or to make her look good. You need to watch your back, and I’ll do the same for you.” She squeezed my arm. “Here she comes.”

I thanked Veronica for the drink and took a big swig that left my drink half full.

Veronica gave me a toothy smile.

Don’t worry bitch, I can handle my alcohol. I lifted my glass towards her and mouthed cheers and took another swig. Long before we sat down my drink was gone. Michael wrapped my arm around his bent elbow and made sure I didn’t wobble again while we walked down the stairs from the Mezzanine to the dining room. It was sweet of him, but I really didn’t need the help. For some reason, I felt like I could fly down the stairs. Or maybe dance the night away. Better yet, I could pull Michael into the coat room so I could take advantage of him. I giggled to myself.

Gandy Dancer DiningWe stepped into the Wolverine dining room, and it took my breath away. The stone walls, numerous chandeliers, and stunning table settings were magnificent. I felt like I was attending a royal feast in a duke’s mansion. Veronica shuffled us up to the head table and had us sit boy girl, boy girl. She had Michael seated on her left and Mr. Dickinson on her right.

I softly groaned out loud, which was unlike me. Michael must have heard the groan because he took hold of my thigh, which I’d been bouncing, and gave it a squeeze. His touch made me feel a warm glow within, and for the moment I stopped bouncing my leg.

I didn’t want him to let go, but our starters arrived. He ordered crab cake, and I ordered crab encrusted scallops. I took my first bite, and it made my mouth sing in pleasure. I moaned.

Michael leaned over and whispered in my ear. “If you keep that up, I’ll have to excuse us and take you home with me.”

His words made me feel sensual and uninhibited. It was a marvelous feeling that sent tingles all over my body.

Michael by Callie CarmenThe Risking Love series:

The Risking Love series has repeating characters but each book is a standalone romance.

About Callie:
Callie CarmenCallie started in the book business as a bookstore manager, which was the perfect place for her since she was an avid reader. After two years, she moved to the corporate office as a buyer and eventually became a senior book buyer. This was a rewarding career that she loved.

Along the way, Callie became a stay-at-home mom but couldn’t give up working around books altogether. She volunteered to run the book fairs in her small farm town. At the same time, Callie started and ran A Child Oasis Company with the sole purpose of placing a small book library in the homes of all the needy children in the nearby city.

As her children became teens, Callie found she needed more in her personal life than the volunteer mom for the schools. She sat down at the computer and began to write. To see what she’s been up to go to Amazon link:

New! Cowboy Desire anthology from BVS

Cowboy Desire anthology

For me, Cowboy Desire is the best BVS anthology yet—the stories are all compelling and very different. Damn good writing!

Of course I didn’t review my own story in the anthology (paranormal Bird That Sings) but I do hope you’ll read and enjoy it!

Wild Thunder—Zia Westfield
Loved this old-fashioned cowboy type story. It starts with Gabe and Emmaline waking up next to each other. Emmaline wonders how she got there, in (she assumes) Gabe’s hotel room when suddenly a flashbulb startles them. The resulting photo gets Em fired and Gabe in hot water in a custody battle for his nephew. How the animosity and ager are settled is all about Em’s effect on two families and a large black horse. I loved the role Colton’s nephew played in the story. Zia, a really fine story, ma’am. (Tipping hat)

Ava—Callie Carmen
In this short story sequel to Callie’s romance novel Joshua (another 5-star!), she features Ava, the artist who lost Joshua, her childhood friend and first love. Now she’s back home in Kentucky and seriously focusing on her art—and Colton Maples, a successful rodeo cowboy who’s taking time out to help his dad in his art gallery. Colton has a reputation and sponsors to keep up, so even though he’s helping out at home, his mind is on the circuit. And speaking of reputations, rodeo cowboys have them in spades. Can Ava trust Colton to remain hers when he’s surrounded by rowdy colleagues and Buckle Bunnies? They discover in a strange and sweet way that love is met with Thunder and Lightning. Two great characters in a great story!

Cowboy Desire anthology

Orion—Virginia Wallace
What a great ad unexpected story! I don’t want to give too much away here because I want you to discover the story for yourself, but I’ll say that Daisy is a rancher’s daughter who’s trying hard to keep their ranch going when her father can no longer carry on as he used to. One night, while out riding, a strange light brightens on the horizon and then disappears. The next day, from nowhere and just when they’re desperate, a man arrives to help. Who is this Orion fellow? No one she knows. But he’s hired on anyway and soon proves to be their salvation. More than that, he seems to read Daisy’s mind…and her heart. They fall in love. Daisy expects Orion might ask her to marry him when he vanishes. Uh-oh. Virginia’s storytelling excited me when I read her story in Desire Me Again. In Orion she’s shown another wonderful example of appealing characters with an unusual take.

The Long Paddock—Jan Selbourne
This is one of my favorite stories in the book. Jan delivers a real taste of Australia and wonderful romance! Shelley and David—ex husband and wife—meet accidentally on a storied sheep and cattle trail/road known as the Long Paddock two years after their divorce. David had a drinking problem and Shelley finally gave up on his ever working on their marriage rather than spending hours at the pub with his friends. Now she’s dating someone and taking a much-needed time away to see her oldest friend. Traffic is held up by sheep being driven south and David is one of the herders. As fate would have it, they run into each other a couple more times and Shelley senses a difference in David. He claims to have changed. He claims never to have stopped loving her. He claims he’s ready to make a life. But is any of that true? How can she trust him, ever again? But as I mentioned, there is that pesky thing called Fate… This is a remarkable love story!

Space Cowboy Blues—Alice Renaud
Even a universe isn’t wide enough to keep love at bay! When Melynas escorts Jack, a cowboy from Earth who travels from planet to planet studying local “farm animals” for scientific reports, she longs to get close to him. But her planet and even her touch is deadly to him. Jack is a true gentleman and he shows that by acting respectfully toward Melynas, something other humans don’t do. Only when Jack is embroiled in a fight to protect Melynas do the two discover something fantastic. Alice usually captures us with her writings of Mer-people. This futuristic space romp is new from her but I hope it won’t be the end of her explorations—this story is worthy of a trip across the universe. I loved it!

Cowboy Desire anthology

Loving Jack—Estelle Pettersen
What a cool story! Olivia Bertrand married Angus Wilson directly after high school graduation. They had been going together but in no small part because her very best friend, Jack McCullen was already dating someone seriously. On their wedding night, Liv discovered Angus with another woman. What??! Furious, Jack beat Angus up and then screamed at Liv that she should have married him. That’s a fine time to tell her. After a quick escape from her marriage Liv goes off to London to work and stays away five years. When she finally returns home, she finds Jack is single—he never married. Is there any hope for the two of them, or has it been too long with too many misunderstandings? I really enjoyed this story of second-chance love.

Mail Order Mate—Eileen Troemel
Jack (short for Jackleen) and her niece are all that’s left of a family of nine after a pandemic sweeps across her planet. In an effort to solve two problems at once, the local government brings in human-like aliens from an over-crowded planet to form new family units and keep the planet’s agricultural base from total collapse. Jack agrees to accept a male (Ido) and his brother and wife to their station where they raise jumbos—kinda sheep on steroids. Jack missed the sounds and comfort of having people around, but will these aliens ever fill that void? And will she ever come to love Ido as a wife should? I was charmed by this story of family, no matter who or what makes up that group. Eileen makes you feel you’re there on the planet Loved it!

The Wyoming Way—Nancy Golinski
Spencer Campbell runs a ranch in Wyoming with his brother Paul. He’s married to a woman from Boston, a social butterfly named Charlotte. They have two daughters in college, so they’re living in that stage of life where empty-nesters struggle to find common ground after the kids have left home. Trouble is, Charlotte always seems to make it clear that she’s unhappy in Wyoming. The adjacent ranch is owned by Joey and his sister Jess—who left years ago for veterinary school and never returned. Joey has PTSD issues and really can’t maintain the ranch as it should be. Now Jess is returning home to pursue her career and help get the ranch back into shape. It’s so easy to be with Jess again. Spence has someone to talk to, someone who understands him and what he does. When they’re trapped away from home in a blizzard, they found they had more than common interests between them—know what I mean? What Charlotte does next sets off changes in both their lives. Complications in love are never good things. Can Spence and Jess find their way through them? What a great story, and unusual, too. I know you’ll love it as I did.

Cowboy Desire anthology

The Cowboy’s Heritage—Patricia Elliott
Magic strikes in this sci-fi story. On their island ranch, Reid McCloud goes searching for a lost lamb. It’s a prize-winner and Reid’s folks will kill him if the lamb is lost for good—or worse—when they return from their cruise. He chases a trail down a narrow, rocky path to the beach where he discovers not a lamb but (can he believe his eyes?) a mermaid. Before his eyes she shimmered and changed into a woman. Had he seen her correctly? Couldn’t have! Everyone knew there were no such things as mermaids. Regardless, she was injured. With the help of his friend, he got her back to the house. When she comes to, she tells Reid to call her Nerina. Meanwhile, far under the sea, a young mermaid who was caught up in s storm while trying to escape an unwanted marriage, is being searched for. Could she and Nerina be one and the same? And while she and Reid begin to fall in love, what will they do when she is found, as she inevitably will be? This is a very different love story with a surprise ending, and I loved it!

Craving Her Cowboys—R.M. Olivia
At the beginning of this ménage tale, Riva is a woman in a very bad situation, living with an abusive man. She making her escape as he returns home, and just in the nick of time…she’s free. Taking the back roads to Dallas so as not to be tracked easily, she breaks down not all that far down the road. Fortunately for her, she is stopped in the parking lot of a repair shop run by two brothers. Unfortunately, her car troubles are even worse than her personal ones. It will be days before she can get underway again. With no money and no where to stay, she reluctantly accepts the offer of the brothers for her to stay with them. They might not be able to fix her car right away but she has their engines roaring! The next day they take her home to pick up all the things she had to leave, and also give her worthless boyfriend what-for. Is it any wonder she doesn’t resist their offer to stay longer? Another hot tale from R.M. Oliver! Air conditioning required.

Cowboy Desire anthology

E-mail Ordered Groom—Starla Kaye
Gwenie (Gwendolyn) was a farrier—a most unusual career for a woman but she was damn good at it—and part owner of her family’s ranch. Her brother Thad has a surprise for her, something he says is the answer to her dreams. Who should climb out of a black SUV just arrived, but Drake Walters, her brother’s best friend, her old, secret crush, and a former football player. A serious injury spelled his exit from the NFL, and now he’s there, on her ranch, talking to his brother like they’re still the best friends they had been fourteen years ago. To Gwenie’s shame, Thad reveals that he’d emailed Drake that he worried about her. She was too much woman (meaning capable, stubborn, and not terribly feminine) for the men in their area, but that he knew she wanted a home and babies. Oh, and a husband, and that she’d been scribbling Drake’s name in the margins of the ranch’s records, over and over. Drake wanted to discuss a business question with Thad, so he came home to see about both issues. But once he’d seen Gwenie, could he remember that when he left she’d been just his friend’s kid sister? Did he want to? What a great story with two very likeable, engaging characters!

Pearl, Ben and REO—Alan Souter
This is perhaps my favorite story in the book. It’s so different, so sweet, so unexpected. Ben, a rodeo champion in 1909 Wyoming, and his Sioux Indian wife, Pearl, live on a little farm. When Ben arrives home after winning another calf roping event, the love between the two is so evident. “I’ve been thinkin’,” he said. “Every time I’ve heard that our lives have made a big swing from the well-traveled road.” And what Ben’s been thinking is that he’s getting a mite too old to rodeo for many more years. His horse is getting a hair slower and deserves a more fitting life. What he has in mind is indeed a big swing from the life they’re used to. The change is…REO, a brand new automobile. Pearl is not quite ready to jump on board with whatever this new change means. The thing takes two people to start, and then breaks down fairly often. They live in Wyoming, where the primary mode of transportation is a horse, not horsepower. But she sees Ben’s dilemma and never doubts that he needs this change but only if they can move forward together The question is how. Once you read this story you’ll treasure it as much as I do. It’s true love in under 10,000 words!

Bullets and Bustles—Suzanne Smith
Emma Tombs is a bounty hunter, and one of the very best. But she’s not happy doing it, not anymore. She confesses as such to the local sheriff when he pays the bounty for the latest man she’s gunned down. He tells her that the man she wants the worst, Johnny Romma, is in the area. She wants Johnny so badly because he killed her husband. Her husband had been no prize but killing him left her penniless and at a loss for a way to support herself except with a gun. Reluctantly, she gives up the chance to bring him in—dead or alive—and leaves town, her old life, and her reputation behind. She sets up a café in a distant part of the state. She’s a pretty women, which is the only reason the café hasn’t closed because she’s a horrible cook. One day, a gorgeous man wonders in for breakfast. They chat. He comes back and they chat some more. JD he says his name is. Emma is completely taken with him. He says he invested in a ranch outside town, though, he admits with a grin, he knows as much about ranching as she does about cooking. Says he’ll read a book to find out what to do. It’s practically love at first sight for the two—until Emma discovers JD’s secret. Suzanne’s skill at storytelling is on full-on display. This is a wonderful story of two unlikely lovers that leaves you feeling happy!

Damaged souls #MFRWHooks

This is a blog hop. Be sure to check the link at the bottom to see posts from other authors!
Desire Me Again anthologyDesire Me Again
Blurb for Second Chance:
Sandy Henderson had been a sweet, wholesome girl in her first year of college, sure of herself and totally in love with her high school sweetheart, Tom Pritchard. Then something happened that shattered her dreams, her confidence, her will to live. When she meets Tom again many years later, she resists taking a chance on love because of her secret, but Tom won’t give up on her. On them. Or will he, once she tells him about her past?

Buy link:
Kindle US

MFRW Book HooksExcerpt:
The sun had just set when Sandy carried their tea to the dark porch. Keeping the porch light out would at least make a cursory effort at keeping the mosquitoes at bay.

Tom stood when she came out and he relieved her of one of the glasses. In the July heat, condensation would soon coat the glass as the ice melted. At least a breeze blessed the evening air. Kids road their bikes up and down the street, but as darkness became thicker, mothers’ voices called them home. Fireflies inundated the yard, their tails flashing on and off.

“I miss fireflies. They don’t have them in the Northwest.”

“Really? I didn’t know that. How long have you lived there?”

“I moved to Milford about five years ago. It’s a small town but it has a college, so I finally graduated.” She propped her bare feet on the edge of the chair.

“That’s good. I’m about to finish my MBA, though I hardly need it to run the hardware store.”

She sipped the tea, feeling the sugar rush from the simple syrup she’d added to the pitcher. While in Idaho she’d gotten used to unsweetened tea, but she’d have to start making the sweetened variety again once her mom lived with her.

“That’s what you’re doing, running your dad’s store? Do you like it?”

She felt more than saw Tom’s shrug. “Not especially. But Dad needed to work less and Joey won’t graduate from State until next spring. He and Dad have always been closer than Dad and I, and I think the plan had always been for him and Joey to work the store together. As far as I know, that’s still the plan. I’ll be able to change course then, though God knows what I’ll do. What do you do in this small town where you live?”

“I teach second grade. Of all the careers I considered growing up, teaching was way far down on the list. But I’ve found I love it.” She might have said that teaching was bottom of the list, but she’d since discovered that there were far worse jobs.

She snuck a glance at Tom and found his grin facing her. “What?” she asked.

“I couldn’t be more surprised if you’d said stripper.”

Sandy lurched forward, her feet hitting the decking as her drink fell from her hands, shattering the glass Tea spattered across her bare feet and up her shins.

“Oh! I hope I didn’t get any of it on you,” she exclaimed. “Darn glass got slippery.” She started to stand when Tom slapped his hand across her forearm.

“Stay where you are. With the light out you won’t see the glass. Where’s the broom?”

“Behind the back door. My sneakers are back there, too. Can you bring them?”

“Sure. Stay here.” He disappeared into the house.

Sandy took a shuddering breath. She would stay there, and give her heart a chance to stop racing.

Desire Me Again anthologyAuthor Dee S. Knight:

A few years ago, Dee S. Knight began writing, making getting up in the morning fun. During the day, her characters killed people, fell in love, became drunk with power, or sober with responsibility. And they had sex, lots of sex.

After a while, Dee split her personality into thirds. She writes as Anne Krist for sweeter romances, and Jenna Stewart for ménage and shifter stories. All three of her personas are found on the Nomad Authors website. And all three offer some of the best romance you can find! Also, once a month, look for Dee’s Charity Sunday blog posts, where your comment can support a selected charity.









Sweet ‘n Sassy Divas:

Far away, far from home #MFRWHooks

This is a blog hop. Be sure to check the link at the bottom to see posts from other authors!

Desire Me Again anthologyBlurb:
A Convict’s Prayer in Desire Me Again
Famine, disease, poverty and crime dominates 19th century Ireland, and Eleanor Craddock is just one of the thousands convicted of stealing to survive. However, it is her brother Thomas’s treachery that sentences her to transportation to Van Diemen’s Land (now Tasmania, Australia) for fourteen years. The only thing that keeps Eleanor going is her prayer that one day she will earn her ticket of leave, because only then can she apply for her two children to join her on the free emigration scheme. This prayer is sorely tested during the long 13,000-mile journey on the convict ship Hope, the brutal Hobart Cascades Female Factory and her years as an assigned servant to the wealthy Ian Franks. Richard Barnett, horse trainer for Franks finds it almost impossible to break through Eleanor’s hard defensive wall until a theft of important documents. This is a true story of two people finding love again.

Buy link:
Amazon US

MFRW Book HooksExcerpt:
December 1841
Loughrea Quarter Sessions
Galway, Ireland.

The clock above the magistrate’s bench ticked closer to three o’clock and the witnesses for the tenth case of the day had given their evidence. Voices in the crowded courtroom grew louder when a frightened fair-haired woman wearing a stained brown dress was led across the floor to the witness box.

Scowling, the magistrate rapped out, “Silence!”

The Clerk of the Peace placed documents in front of him and the room went quiet.

“You are Eleanor Craddock, of Ballinasloe, in the county of Galway, widow of James Stanford?”

“Yes, your honour.”

“You have been charged with receiving ten sovereigns from the child Mary Ward. That you and your brother Thomas Craddock corruptly influenced Mary Ward to steal the box holding twenty-seven pounds from her grandparents, Laurence Ward and Margaret Ward.”

Eleanor’s sweating hands gripped the front of the witness box.

“That you abandoned your two children, Richard Stanford and James Stanford while you and your brother conspired to steal this money,” the magistrate continued.

Eleanor shook her head. “No! I did not abandon them sir. I’m a widow without money or support. They were taken in by their grandmother while I walked from Ballinasloe to Kilconnell to beg help from my brother.”

The magistrate’s cold eyes met hers. “We have heard sworn evidence from Margaret Ward and Laurence Ward that”, he squinted at the document in front of him, “they had by care and industry saved a sum of twenty seven pounds in sovereigns and guineas, and that the box was in their house, under lock and key. That you and Thomas Craddock convinced their granddaughter Mary Ward with false promises to steal the key and open it. That Thomas Craddock instructed Mary to give you ten sovereigns and you received those sovereigns for your own dishonest gain. How do you plead?  Guilty or not guilty?”

The courtroom swam before Eleanor’s eyes.  “Guilty, sir.”

A Convict's Prayer by Jan Selbourne

About Jan:
Jan Selbourne was born and educated in Melbourne, Australia and her love of literature and history began as soon as she learned to read and hold a pen. After graduating from a Melbourne Business College her career began in the dusty world of ledgers and accounting, working in Victoria, Queensland and the United Kingdom. On the point of retiring, she changed course to work as secretary of a large NSW historical society. Now retired Jan is enjoying her love of travelling and literature. She has two children, a stray live in cat and lives near Maitland, New South Wales.


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Secrets that change a lifetime #MFRWHooks

This is a blog hop. Be sure to check the link at the bottom to see posts from other authors!

 Desire Me Again anthologyBlurb:
Second Chance in Desire Me Again
Sandy Henderson had been a sweet, wholesome girl in her first year of college, sure of herself and totally in love with her high school sweetheart, Tom Pritchard. Then something happened that shattered her dreams, her confidence, her will to live. When she meets Tom again many years later, she resists taking a chance on love because of her secret, but Tom won’t give up on her. On them. Or will he, once she tells him about her past?

Buy link:
Amazon US

MFRW Book HooksExcerpt:
“Sandy Henderson, as I live and breathe. Can that be you?”

Sandy looked up and up, into the richest, deepest brown eyes she’d ever known. They affected her just as they had since she was fifteen, sending tingles and warmth all through her. Fifteen had been fifteen years ago, but two lifetimes. When she first fell in love with Thomas Pritchard she’d enjoyed an age of innocence she barely remembered, but one he brought home now with just one look, one smile.

“Tom. Gosh, it’s so good to see you.” Sandy didn’t really mean that, but it was the polite thing to say. In reality, she’d hoped she could slip into town, take care of her dad’s estate and pack up her mother’s things for the move back to Idaho without meeting anyone from her former life.

Still, of everyone she hadn’t wanted to run into, Tom Pritchard. Her stupid heart skipped a beat. It was hard seeing him, remembering him. Remembering herself.

“You, too. I could hardly believe it was you. What’s it been? Since graduation?”

“Yes, I think so. Hard to believe, huh?” So hard to believe she’d ever been that happy, naïve girl who’d graduated top in their 300-student class and skipped off to college in Florida, thinking life would always be so free and simple.

“It is hard to believe.” Tom’s eyes studied her face. He hadn’t looked at her as so many men had for years, that up and down leer, like a hungry lion scoping out where he planned to start eating the gazelle. No, his gaze sought out her depths, her secrets.

“Are you back in town for a while?”

“No,” she said, subtly moving the grocery cart between them. It served as a shield from his examination and also as a layer of protection. The years had taught her that men—all men, even those who seemed friendly and safe—were not to be trusted.

“Dad died last year—”

“I remember. I’m really sorry.”

“Thanks. Mom isn’t really able to stay alone anymore, and she’s agreed to move closer to me. I came ho—back to move her.” She’d almost said that she’d come home. Whitley, North Carolina hadn’t been home for a very long time. Sometimes life here seemed like a dream.

“Ah. I’m going to miss your mom. Not that I saw her all that often.”

“She told me that you would come by every now and again to see if she needed anything. That was nice. She appreciated it, and so do I.”

Tom shrugged. “It wasn’t anything.” He looked into her cart. “You don’t have anything that needs to be refrigerated”—he held up his handbasket—“and neither do I. Want to grab a cup of coffee and catch up? The Whitley Diner is just a couple of doors down and has the best coffee in town. My treat.” He smiled. Sandy had to grab a breath at the sight.

“I really can’t,” she said. “I told Mom I’d be home for lunch. But thanks. Let’s get together before I leave.”

Holding her hand up in the way country people have of saying hello or goodbye, she spun around and headed for the checkout. She hadn’t finished shopping, but she’d come back later. Or maybe she’d head to the Piggly Wiggly over in Petersburg, a few towns over, in order to avoid running into Tom again. Or anyone she knew from her previous life.

Whitley had grown to a town of over forty thousand. How could she have met up with someone she knew in the first week she’d been back? And Tom, of all people.

Getting her mother packed and on the road to Idaho couldn’t happen soon enough

Second Chance by Dee S. Knight

Author Dee S. Knight:
A few years ago, Dee S. Knight began writing, making getting up in the morning fun. During the day, her characters killed people, fell in love, became drunk with power, or sober with responsibility. And they had sex, lots of sex.

After a while, Dee split her personality into thirds. She writes as Anne Krist for sweeter romances, and Jenna Stewart for ménage and shifter stories. All three of her personas are found on the Nomad Authors website. And all three offer some of the best romance you can find! Also, once a month, look for Dee’s Charity Sunday blog posts, where your comment can support a selected charity.









Sweet ‘n Sassy Divas:

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Review of Desire Me Again, BVS’s newest anthology!

Desire Me Again anthology

I adored this book! I’m giving Desire Me Again a 5-star rating. It’s sometimes hard to put together a great anthology collection, but overall, the stories in Desire Me Again are superb! I am, of course, not reviewing my own story, but I hope readers like it!

Renewing Forever
Virginia Wallace
David, all human, is married to Jillian, all wolf-shifter, but lately he’s been unsettled. He moved from his home in upstate New York thinking Virginia would be sunnier in the winter, he gave up his beloved Camara for a station wagon when they started a family, and now Jillian seems to be moody all the time. He’s pretty convinced she’s going to leave him. He hopes she and her family don’t eat him in the process. I really liked this story. It’s about a human/shifter marriage but it’s really a treatise on marriage itself—especially a blended or mix-marriage. Insecurity, doubts, fears, they all play a part in this story. As they do in real life. Kudos, Virginia, for this second chance between a married couple who find what it means to love forever!

Gibby Campbell
Dominant Pete took a chance with his tarot-reading submissive, Lexie, years before and lost her. Now, long after she’d given up on seeing Pete again, the King of Swords keeps popping out of her tarot deck. The card symbolizes change. Sure enough, like the card, Pete pops back into her life. He’s successful—as is she—and seems to have matured. But can Lexie trust that a second chance will mean Pete will take better care of her heart? I loved the slight paranormal aspect of this story and the twist that using tarot cards adds. Gibby knows her stuff—both in reading the cards and writing a wonderful story that explores the D/s world.

Desire Me Again anthology

Lost and Found: A Soldier’s Return
R.M. Olivia
Kasey is a wife who’s unsure if she wants her husband to come home from Afghanistan. Oh, she wants him alive and well, but maybe not at home with her and their two daughters. He’s been gone two years on his deployment, and part of that time he was MIA. Before he left the last time, he’d displayed horrifying behavior of PTSD—locking himself in their bedroom with his pistol. But he refused to get help. She doesn’t know now who might be coming home. Add to it, their daughters are young and demanding (as children are), and her mother-in-law has been living with them to help out with the girls. It’s no wonder Kasey needs a time-out. This tender story struck home with me as a Navy brat who saw first-hand the trials military families often face with long separations and then the coming home, which always changes things. Add the horrors of war, and a second chance at a loving relationship is harder. Well done, R.M.!

A Convict’s Prayer
Jan Selbourne
This story will blow you away, especially since it’s based on one of Jan’s ancestors!
In 1841, Eleanor Craddock is transported from Ireland to Van Dieman’s Land (now Tasmania) for the crime of stealing 10 sovereigns. Her children were starving and what’s a desperate mother who can’t find work to do? For that, she was stripped from her family and home. For some, transportation was a death sentence. For others, it’s a second chance. Which will it be for Eleanor? Jan brings this tale to life with her great writing and attention to historical accuracy. It’s a touching story that shows how hope can change one’s life. I loved it!

The Hand-cuff Proposal
Patricia Elliott
Long-time friends Jason and Cora share a house. Well, it’s actually Jason’s house. He’s a cop and can better afford to offer Cora a place to stay. Cora waitresses—normally. Just that day she lost her job. Then she came home to find that Jason had eaten her last ice cream drumstick (yum! I like them, too!). Bad things come in threes, so what else is about to happen? Jason and Cora have both developed feelings for the other way beyond BFFs, but neither is willing to take the chance of losing their friendship to bring up the matter. Until Cora lands on a plan. When looking for work, she finds an ad for a local strip joint. She can take a job there, wait for Jason to stop by on his rounds, be swept home in a wave of male protective traits and then swept into bed. It’s a great plan, right? What was that about bad things coming in threes…? This second chance will take a bit of work. Patricia really brings these characters to life. I couldn’t help but feel for them while they tried to feel their way to each other. And watching Cora work through her plan? I just wanted to nudge her around the strip joint and to some nice, family diner.

Desire Me AgainFlight to the Stars
Zia Westfield
Talon is a man under a curse. He has a connection to a falcon, but is unable to shift, something that tears at his soul. Plus, his family is under a curse. For the last five generations, the oldest son has died on his 30th birthday. Talon’s birthday is that weekend. An emergency among the paranormal entities has brought Talon back together with his former love, Vega. With her talents, Talon hopes to find the source of the trouble and end it. Trouble is, nine years ago, Talon turned his back on her and walked away. He didn’t want her to have to face the consequences of his curse. Now, however, with only a day left, he wants a second chance to spend every moment in her arms. I loved this story! With the combination of a crisis and mystery, and the clock ticking, plus some nice comedic moments, this is a fine tale and great writing.

Together at Last
Carol Schoenig
Seconds after she hears barking, Grace is pushed into the freezing lake by a huge dog. Fortunately, the dog’s owner jumps in to save her. Battling hypothermia, they both nearly drown before Joe drags Grace from the lake and breathes life back into her. Not knowing what else to do, he carries Grace to his truck and takes her to his grandfather’s house, where he warms her before the fire and then hands her over to the care of his grandfather. When Grace opens her eyes, she thinks she’s seeing a ghost. Ian stars back—the first time she’d seen him in years. She’d been in high school and he in college when they broke up in a violent encounter. Since then, they’d married others and raised children. Are there too many years between them to find a second chance? This is a sweet and warm story that proves that where’s there’s true love, there’s always a way.

Annabel Allen
I liked this title because it represents two things in the story: Xposé as the swinger club’s dungeon and exposé as a reporter.
Arianna is a member of a swingers’ club but we find out at the beginning that she has a reason for it beyond the erotic adventure. When Arianna is invited to join Master K in the dungeon, she thinks she’s going to find the answer to why several women have disappeared from the club and make her bones as a reporter. Instead, she gets the shock of her life when Master K turns out to be her high school love, Koran. He sure didn’t have all those defined abs in high school, or really the ability to make her want to climb him like an animal longing to have wild monkey sex. She also didn’t expect to be one of the women being snatched from the club! If something good doesn’t happen soon, she and Koran will miss their second chance! I liked that Annabel had Ava Goode and Reichen make cameo appearances in this story. Well done, well-written story with mystery and a bit of BDSM!

The Holiday Mermaid
Alice Renaud
Adam is stunned when a gorgeous, bikini-clad wonder comes up to him on the beach and invites him to take her for a drink. That moment leads to a month of heaven, and then he wakes one morning to find her gone. Now, at Christmas, Rowena has returned. She hasn’t been able to forget him, despite knowing that love between a mermaid and a human can’t be. When Adam finds her, she’s injured. He cares for her and they rediscover their love. But let’s face it, love is hard enough to negotiate without throwing in the complication of a different species! She has to return to the Morvann Islands once more, to ask for advice and help, but then she hopes to come back to Adam for good. Can they find their way to a second chance? This delightful story is the end to Alice’s Sea of Love series. I’ve enjoyed each and every book, and this story of a mermaid finding love while on holiday is a fitting tribute and great ending!

As I said at the beginning, I enjoyed all of the stories in this 5-star collection, Desire Me Again. BVS puts together wonderful anthologies, from the fabulous covers (by Jessica Greeley) to the compilations themselves. I’m proud and honored to be among the authors selected for these books.

New Second Chance anthology! Desire Me Again

The hopeless romantic believes that a soulmate exists for each of us. That there is one person who makes us feel how good it is to love them. For some couples, things trigger them to push that love away. They find out too late they’ve lost true-love. Sometimes genuine love deserves a second-chance at the happy ending that eluded them the first time.
Desire Me Again is an eclectic assortment of short stories exploring a second-chance at love. The collection is as diverse as the authors who wrote them. Here’s a chance to read the work of talented writers you may not have read before. Within these pages, there are blends of tender, often moving and thought-provoking stories.
Be sure to join the book launch party on October 25th to get to know the authors and have some fun! It’s from 2 pm to 8:30 pm Eastern time on the BVS Facebook page.
Desire Me Again is available on Amazon and other online retailers

Lost and Found- A Soldier’s Return – R.M. Olivia
When Isiah Johnson returns home after being M.I.A for two years, his wife Kasey doesn’t know just what to expect. After a night of lovemaking, she is feeling satisfied that they are being offered a second chance to correct all that was wrong in their marriage. But is that reality?

Isiah is the walking wounded after witnessing his best friend getting killed. In the midst of his devastation, he decides to take his own life. Luckily, the gun barrel is empty and he survives. Mrs. Johnson, Isiah’s mother has been living with Kasey and the twins while her son was away. Kasey appreciates her mother-in-law’s help; she also resents her intrusive manner.

Her husband may now be with them physically yet emotionally he is gone. With the change in his circumstances, he is no longer battling an outside enemy. He is battling himself. Can his wife help him find the man he once was?

The Holiday Mermaid – Alice Renaud
Adam fell for surfer girl Rowena the second he saw her. But just as their summer fling was becoming serious, she left him without any explanation. Now, with Christmas just a few days away, she’s back… and Adam discovers that she’s a shape-shifting mermaid, from a Clan that hates humans. Can he love her as she is? Can she brave her family to be with Adam for good, not just for Christmas?

Second Chance by Dee S. KnightSecond Chance – Dee S. Knight
Sandy Henderson had been a sweet, wholesome girl in her first year of college, sure of herself and totally in love with her high school sweetheart, Tom Pritchard. Then something happened that shattered her dreams, her confidence, her will to live. When she meets Tom again many years later, she resists taking a chance on love because of her secret, but Tom won’t give up on her. On them. Or will he, once she tells him about her past?

Temperance – Gibby Campbell
Doms aren’t perfect. Sometimes they screw up. When it’s true love, though, they deserve a second chance. Even the tarot cards think so in this erotic short story.

Desire Me Again

The Handcuff Proposal – Patricia Elliott
Cora Kegan’s day doesn’t end well, and she finds herself fired from her waitressing job. When she returns home, she learns that her roommate ate the last drumstick, which makes her day even worse. Who doesn’t like to drown their sorrows with ice cream?

Especially when that sorrow includes still having the hots for your ex-boyfriend, who just so happens to be your roommate…

What kind of trouble does she find when she visits a strip club to get his attention?

Xposé – Annabel Allan
Arianna Pierson is an up-and-coming journalist with the Toronto Star. Being a newbie, she mainly writes fluff pieces, like baby or bridal showers. Then she gets wind of a story that could break her into the mainstream—the recent disappearance of three girls from the sex club Xposed.

Arianna takes it upon herself to investigate, going undercover as a regular at the club. While there, she runs into Koran Conley, her first kiss and first love from high school. She tries to keep her focus on the story rather than her growing obsession for a man she had thought walked out of her life so long ago. Her lust is a wonderful distraction…until it becomes her life on the line.

Desire Me Again anthology

Together at Last – Carol Schoenig
Grace Burrows and Ian Hobbs were high school sweethearts. After three years together, they parted with broken dreams and little hope for the future.

Years later Grace visits the lake where she and Ian had spent many a day. It was to say a final good-bye to her lost dreams before moving on with her life. Lost in the memories, she turns to watch a barking dog running toward her. She loses her balance and falls in the lake. A turn of events brings her face to face with Ian. Is it a reunion filled with hope or is it dead in the water?

Flight to the Stars – Zia Westfield
Nine years ago, Talon LaRue left Vega Cosmos without a word. Now he’s back in her life with an offer she can’t refuse. Help him find a stolen database of supernatural beings and she’ll not only establish her business, she’ll also be protecting her family. But Vega discovers there’s much more at stake. Talon’s life hangs in the balance. Is she willing to let go of old hurts to grasp a second chance at love?

A Convict’s Prayer – Jan SelbourneA Convict's Prayer by Jan Selbourne
Famine, disease, poverty and crime dominates 19th century Ireland, and Eleanor Craddock is just one of the thousands convicted of stealing to survive. However, it is her brother Thomas’s treachery that sentences her to transportation to Van Diemen’s Land (now Tasmania, Australia) for fourteen years. The only thing that keeps Eleanor going is her prayer that one day she will earn her ticket of leave, because only then can she apply for her two children to join her on the free emigration scheme. This prayer is sorely tested during the long 13,000-mile journey on the convict ship Hope, the brutal Hobart Cascades Female Factory and her years as an assigned servant to the wealthy Ian Franks. Richard Barnett, horse trainer for Franks finds it almost impossible to break through Eleanor’s hard defensive wall until a theft of important documents. This is a true story of two people finding love again.

Renewing Forever – Virginia Wallace
Most of us wander blissfully throughout our daily lives. We pass in and out of crowds on a daily basis, willfully oblivious to those around us. Anonymity is comforting; it simplifies life. But anonymity is a double-edged sword because it can also provide a mask for monsters, allowing them to walk un-detected among us.

But even monsters often seek a sense of normalcy. They run errands, hold down ordinary jobs, and sometimes they even get married. It is in marriage that the difference between plebeian and monster disappears, for all marriages suffer friction. Conflicts can be caused by issues such as children, money, careers, and cultural differences.

David Wollstonecroft has always tried to be a good husband to his wife, Jillian. Jillian was born into a world of shadows, and secrets; she comes from a society quite different from David’s, and thus their marriage occasionally falters. Lately, it almost seems destined to fail.
David, however, is determined to repair the damage…
Because if he can’t, Jillian might literally tear him to pieces.

New paranormal release!! Mermaids Marry in Green by Alice Renaud

Mermaids Marry in Green by Alice RenaudMermaids Marry in Green, book 3 of the Sea of Love series

Caltha Dooran is the toughest, fiercest shape-shifting mermaid in the western seas. She has three Clans to rule, and no time for romance. But when a warlock, Jonty, turns up and asks her to come with him to London to capture a water monster, she can’t say no. In London, away from her duties, her attraction for Jonty grows… and they soon fall under each other’s spell. But will his past and her responsibilities pull them apart, or can they find the only true magic, the one that binds two souls together?

Buy links:
A Merman’s Choice $1.99
Music for a Merman $1.99
Mermaids Marry in Green PRE-ORDER SALE only $0.99 until release date 1 November

Mermaids Marry in Green by Alice RenaudExcerpt (Rated R):
She was so close to him they were almost touching. She took a step back, but three teenagers squeezed in through the doors just before they closed and pushed her against Jonty. Her head was now level with his neck, and her entire body was pressed against his.

“I’m sorry about the crush,” he said. But he didn’t sound sorry.

She tried to make a joke of it but found that her mouth had dried up. He smelled so damn good. A spicy aftershave, mixed with leather and coffee, with the enticing scent of male sweat underneath. Deep inside her, something responded to the unfamiliar perfume. A part of her, long buried, was waking up … and reaching out to him.

The train jolted into life. The people behind her lurched, squashing them together. Her breasts flattened against his chest. He was rock-hard under his leathers, and as warm as a stone heated by the sun. A thrill ran through her, so strong that it felt almost tangible, like a golden snake twisting around her … curling around her breasts … sliding between her legs. She was trapped and helpless.

Worse, she was enjoying it.

Shame nibbled at her. She’d never been this close to a male before. Plenty of mermen on the islands would have loved to become her mate and govern the Clans with her. Plenty had tried their luck, during the long summer nights when they sat around the fire on the beach, drinking whisky and singing. But she’d never let any of them kiss her, or even hold her hand. She’d been a good mermaid all these years. Just as her mother had wanted her to be. Her mother had been very firm on the topic of boys. She’d drummed into Caltha’s head that she should save herself for a husband worthy of her, and of the Dooran Clan.

And here she was glued to a stranger she’d met less than twenty-four hours ago. A human. Her mother’s voice swam up in her memory. Choose your mate carefully, Caltha. He must be able to guide our people, and rule alongside you. He must be wise, strong, and…

Caltha tried to remember the other qualities that her future husband should possess, but Jonty’s belt buckle was imprinting itself on her stomach, distracting her. Her mind wanted to remember her mother’s words, but her fingers were itching to touch that belt … and slide upwards … under the leather jacket … to find out what his skin felt like … and whether his stomach was as taut as she imagined.

Jonty bent his head, and for one mad moment she thought he was going to kiss her. She was disappointed when he said in her ear, “It’s rush hour, that’s why it’s so crammed. It won’t be long.”

She didn’t look at him, in case her face betrayed her body’s embarrassing, pleasurable reaction. “It’s fine.”

But it wasn’t fine, not by a mile. She had to get away from him before her hormones hijacked her brain and made her do something stupid. Like grab him. Or kiss him.

Mermaids Marry in Green by Alice Renaud

Let’s find out more about Mermaids Marry in Green:
NA: First of all, Alice, thanks for being with us again.
AR: Thank you for having me!

NA: Tell us a little about the series in general. Is each book standalone? Is it vital that they be read in sequence? Are they novel length or longer novellas? Are they erotic romance, sweet romance, or somewhere in between?
AR: My fantasy romance Sea of Love series is made up of three novellas plus one short story. Each novella is about 120 pages in length, and each is a standalone story featuring a different couple. The books are in chronological order but do not need to be read in sequence, they can be read independently. The stories all take place in the same world and the characters are interconnected. I would say the heat level is medium – they are sensual, and there are a couple of explicit love scenes in each book, but I wouldn’t call them erotic romance. The short story, “The Holiday Mermaid,” completes the series and is a standalone tale set in the same universe as the Sea of Love novellas. It will be out this October in the “second chance at love” romance anthology by BVS, “Desire Me Again.”

NA: You’ve just launched your latest book, the third in the Sea of Love series, Mermaids Marry in Green. Will you give us a summary of the book, please?
AR: The heroine of the book is the red-headed shape shifting mermaid Caltha Dooran, who appears as a secondary character in the first two books of the Sea of Love series, both “A Merman’s Choice” and “Music for a Merman.” Caltha is the toughest, fiercest mermaid in the Morvann Islands. She has three mermen Clans to rule, and no time for romance. But when a warlock, Jonty, turns up and asks her to come with him to London to capture a water monster, she can’t say no. In London, away from her duties, her attraction for Jonty grows… and they soon fall under each other’s spell. But will his past and her responsibilities pull them apart, or can they find the only true magic, the one that binds two souls together?

NA: How will this book tie in to the previous books, A Merman’s Choice and Music for a Merman?
AR: Caltha is a close friend of Yann, the hero of A Merman’s Choice, and as the leader of the mermen Clans she also appears in the second book, Music for a Merman. She helps Yann and Rob, the hero of the second book, to achieve their happily ever after, so I always wanted to write her story and see her find love.

NA: Is this the last book of the series? If so, why did you decide to stop here? If not, which of your Merpeople can we expect to see next?
AR: The heroine of the short story “The Holiday Mermaid” is Rowena Regor. She is a cousin of Rob Regor, the hero of the second book, Music for a Merman. Her story is a Christmas second chance romance and will be out, as I mentioned, in the BVS anthology “Desire Me Again” this fall. I am not planning to write any more books focused on the merpeople for now, but I may write some more short stories that feature them. I have this idea about a mermaid who goes to Las Vegas… [NA: LOL!] I had always conceived the Sea of Love series as four stories, each set in a different season – spring for A Merman’s Choice, summer for Music for a Merman, fall for Mermaids Marry in Green, and Christmas for “The Holiday Mermaid.”

NA: Why did you decide to write about Merpeople for your first series? You also write great witches, based on your story in the Mystic Desire anthology (“The Sweetest Magic of All”).
AR: It started with a dream. An aquatic vampire was chasing a girl underwater. She was terrified. She was close to drowning, and she thought that the creature would kill her. But instead, he saved her life. When I decided one day to write a paranormal romance book, I remembered the vampire. He didn’t quite fit the story I wanted to write though, so I took away his fangs and bloodthirsty nature. He became Yann, a young shape shifting merman. I was also inspired by seeing young men come out of the sea wearing black wetsuits, with palms on their feet. That gave me the idea of shape shifting mermen, who in their aquatic shape have webbed hands and feet, but no fish tail. Yes, I love witches too! My next series, “Conjuring Love”, will feature time travelling warlocks and witches.

NA: I’m fascinated by your upbringing in Brittany, which seems kind of magical to me, and your time in Wales as a child and finally England as an adult. I know you take your inspiration from all of it. Will you share how your background influences your writing?
AR: I am half-French and half-British, I grew up in Brittany, western France, in a village by the sea. I always loved stories, especially myths, legends, fantasy… anything with adventure and monsters! I spent my childhood holidays at my grandparents’ in Wales, and absorbed all the Welsh stories about mermen and mermaids, King Arthur, the giant cat of Anglesey, the Water Horse and torrent spectres. After reading The Lord of the Rings aged 12, I decided I wanted to write my own stories! I moved to London in 1997 and still live there with my husband and son. Brittany, Wales and London are a big source of inspiration for me. Mermaids Marry in Green, the third book in the Sea of Love series, is my first book based in London. I think my city has its own kind of magic, as you will find out if you read the story!

NA: Your series, Sea of Love, won an award from the Paranormal Romance Guild for 2019 for Novellas and Shorts–Series. What was that like for you?
AR: It was a complete surprise, in fact I so little expected to be even nominated I hadn’t checked the results, and only discovered that both my series and A Merman’s Choice had been nominated when you, dear Dee, told me! It was a delightful surprise, and came at just the right time. I was beginning to feel discouraged, thinking I would never sell any books, and my writing wasn’t good enough. It meant a lot to me, as the award is given by independent reviewers who select the books that they have liked the best.

NA: What are you working on now?
AR: I have started work on the first book of my next series, Conjuring Love. This book, How to Win a Sea Witch, is based on my short story “The Sweetest Magic of All”, which is included in the BVS Mystic Desire paranormal romance anthology. The series Conjuring Love follows three warlocks: Ariel, the half-fae leader of the London warlocks, and his brothers Aaron and Auric. Aaron is the hero of the first book How to Win a Sea Witch. Ariel features in Mermaids Marry in Green, as he is both the friend and leader of the hero, Jonty. You could say that Mermaids Marry in Green is both the last book in the mermen & mermaids series, and the first book in the new series. The Conjuring Love series will feature time travelling warlocks, sea witches, torrent spectres, evil fairies, a shape shifting unicorn… and more!

NA: Can’t wait, Alice!

Mermaids Marry in Green by Alice Renaud

Alice Renaud bio and social media links:
Alice lives in London, UK, with her husband and son. By day she’s a compliance manager for a pharmaceutical company. By night she writes fantasy romance about shape shifting mermen, water monsters and time-travelling witches. Her first book, A Merman’s Choice, was published in January 2019 by Black Velvet Seductions. It is the first book in a fantasy romance trilogy inspired by the landscapes and legends of Brittany and Wales. The second book, Music for a Merman, is out now and the third, Mermaids Marry in Green, will be released on 1 November. It is on pre-order now at the discount price of $0.99! Alice has also written a short story, “The Sweetest Magic of All,” included in the BVS book, Mystic Desire anthology, out now. Alice loves reading and writing stories, and sharing them with anyone who’s interested!

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