NANOWRIMO or bust! #MFRWauthor

NANOWRIMOI’ve always considered myself a pretty fast writer—when I write. I mean, I could eat lunch at work and still knock out a thousand words. I have written a 90K word book in a month. But the one year I tried NANOWRIMO, I choked. Couldn’t write 300 words in a day. Couldn’t get through a chapter in a week. Couldn’t… Well, couldn’t finish NANOWRIMO.

I felt like such a failure, but every day when I got home from work and saw that I hadn’t met my word count for the day, I panicked. Of course, I thought “I’ll make it up tomorrow,” but then I didn’t. I know it’s only a campaign against oneself, but the more I didn’t meet the goals I was supposed to, the more my stomach wrapped itself into knots. I felt the pressure. I felt the pain. I did not enjoy the experience at all.

I know some people (I know some people!) have written their novels duringWriting during NANOWRIMO NANOWRIMO, but I did not. The discipline that NANOWRIMO gives you is a good thing, but when faced with it I turned out to be the biggest wuss ever. It’s not for me, I’m afraid. But for those who thrive under the NANOWRIMO pressure, more power to you! Enjoy the month. I’ll be cheering you on from the sidelines.

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