So Much Fun…and I’m Still Dressed! #MFRWauthor

As an erotic romance writer, I’m usually finding ways people have fun while not dressed. So you might think that this post is a challenge. Not so. Since I was the age of 15 (which was a hell of a long time ago!), the most fun I’ve had while dressed is anything I do with hubby.

Jack and I started dating when I was 15. Not serious dates really. Doubling with his brother, dinner at each other’s homes, that sort of thing. But a couple of weeks after our first date we admitted that we would be married some day. That day was a long time coming—he made me graduate from college before he’d put a ring on my finger—but all that time and since we’ve taken time to enjoy the simple things with each other. Walking on the Trucking--fun and clothedbeach, school concerts, just hanging out with friends, dinner at Dairy Queen, talking about books. For eight years we drove nationwide as long-distance truckers where, even as tired and cranky as we were on occasion, we viewed sunrises and sunsets, wide open spaces, and horrific traffic jams all while holding hands (metaphorically).

It’s one of my beliefs that we get up each day and decide to be happy or not. We make up our minds to have fun during the day or let trouble get under our skin. Life is so much better when I decide to be happy and have fun, and Dating--fun and still dressedJack has always been there to remind me that that’s the ticket to a good life. He’s always been able to make me laugh, and that’s fun no matter if we’re dressed or not.

And just so we’re clear, in our many years of married life, we’ve always found plenty of fun things to do without our clothes, too!

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Naval Maneuvers When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!