Forget about “out there.” The truth is HERE! #MFRWauthor

I’ve always thought I have a good imagination, but when it comes to things like inventions, I really don’t. I leave that kind of thinking to Hubby. So I asked him about this blog topic last night and heAliens land on earth came up with what I think would be a perfect invention: the DEESKNIGHT SPACE ALIEN DETECTOR.

The name has a nice ring, no? Anyway, many of us remember that TV show The X Files that always assured us that “The truth is out there.” Well, Hubby has his own truth we call the Alien Theory. He thinks the earth was partially populated by aliens who came here and dropped off their criminals. Kind of like Great Britain and Australia. And so, to him, space aliens have lived here among us for thousands of years. He thinks it’s about time we knew who they are. Thus, the DEESKNIGHT SPACE ALIEN DETECTOR.

Once we know which of us is an alien and which is human, we can go aboutPeace between humans and aliens truly making peace in the universe. They can say, “We come in peace. Take us to your leader.” And we can say, “Welcome to our planet. Did you bring space gold?” Maybe all the strive in the world is due to innate conflict between aliens/humans that could be solved if we just knew who was who. So I’m for this invention idea. Anyone out there want to invest?

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Mystic Desire: A collection of supernatural tales sure to keep you up at night, peering into the shadows! Or just wide awake, reading.
Only a Good Man Will Do
Naval Maneuvers