Moving Cures the Desire to Collect Things, Odd or Not #MFRWauthor

First of all, I’m not sure what makes a collection odd. Is it collecting the unusual, exotic, rare, or just kitchy? Second of all, as the title suggests, I stopped collecting when I started moving so much. Packing is hell.

When we lived in Virginia for a number of years, I loved to cook. At one Cookbookspoint, I think I had 300 cookbooks. Whenever any family member traveled anywhere, they knew what to bring back for my collection. I read them like novels and used them often. In the same line, I collected Bon Appetit magazine. I didn’t try their recipes as often as say, Betty Crocker’s, but they were still fun to read. When we left Virginia I had nearly 10 years’ worth. So you can see that holding on to all of that after two-four-six moves in a few years’ time was not enviable and I let them go. It was a sad day. ;(

Later, I collected magnets for the refrigerator. They were small and could easily be tossed into a box. I had a crystal from the science museum in Richmond, wooden shoes from Solvang, CA, a lighthouse from the OuterRefrigerator magnets Banks, a red phone box from London, a variety of stocking stuffer magnets, and one I kept from my mother-in-law when she died: “Dull women keep immaculate houses.” And so many more! Each magnet brought back memories. But two moves back, I think I lost the box. So temporarily, I’ve given up collecting anything. It’s not a bad thing. Now I’ve taken to giving away items I have for other people’s collections. It’s just as fun!

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Naval Maneuvers: When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!