New! Valkyrie Love by Viviana MacKade

Valkyrie Love by Viviana MacKade
Valkyrie love never comes easy.

Brenna left Asgard with a curse on her name and a broken heart.
A Valkyrie now free and independent, for millennia her life had been great. Just great.
Then a bleeding Elf knocks at her door holding a baby.

Alexander Reed left the Marines and lost the wheel of his life.
A soldier without a worthy fight, he became everything he despised.
Until he ends up in the wrong backyard at the wrong time.

Fljóða, Queen of the Light Elves and last of her lineage, is an infant with a death sentence on her head.
Hunted by the Night Elves, her survival brings Brenna and Reed together for the ultimate mission: take the little Queen to safety in the Vanaheim Realm, deep in the Roots of Yggdrasil.

Not simple, but straightforward.
Or so it seemed.
Between flaming giants, demons, and an army of Half Breed determined to kill the Queen and conquer all the Elvin Realms, Brenna and Reed will have to face their inner monsters.
Monsters appearing in the form of feelings neither want but cannot control.

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Amazon Kindle ~ only 99 cents while in preorder

Amazon  Vella ~ Get 3 episodes FREE

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An interview with Brenna:

NA: Brenna, welcome! We’re anxious to know more about you.

Where were you born? Where do you live now? What do you like and dislike about it?

Brenna: Technically, I was created in Asgard, never born. Now I live In Montana. I love what Reed and I are doing there. Shoveling snow sucks, though.

NA: If I searched your name online, what would it say?

Brenna: That it means Sword, which is exactly why I picked it.

NA: Do you have any bad habits?

Brenna: Oh, Reed would have a field day answering this question. I’d say, not listening to (his) advice on combat moves and general fighting would be the biggest. It got me into some trouble, that’s for sure. I also leave dirty cups in the sink.

NA: Which dead person would you most want to meet? Why?

Brenna: I met so, so many famous people, the kind that changed history’s course, that I can be satisfied. If I had a chance, I’d like to meet Reed’s mom and dad. I’ve never had that. They must have been great, because they raised a great man.

NA: Who do you trust the most? Who do you not trust?

Brenna: I started out trusting the circle made of my closest “family”. Got burned badly, so didn’t trust anyone after that. Enter Reed. I trust him.

NA: Do you have a pet? If yes, what is it? Is it a rescue or breeder?

Brenna: We sort of have this dog. His name is Dog. Because, you know, he’s one. So he appeared one morning, everything was covered in snow and freezing, and this guy looked at us, just looked. So now we have a dog. I’ve never had a pet. I like it.

NA: Have you ever eaten food straight from the ground or from the tree? What was it?

Brenna: You should really read our story. Then things we ate…

NA: If someone told you a secret, are you likely to keep it?

Brenna: Definitely.

NA: When you met the other main character, what did you like about them? What did you dislike about them?

Brenna: He was an exceptional fighter, and that was the reason why I proposed him the mission. I didn’t like how he asked all these questions about me. I wasn’t sure about the answer back then, and it got me mad.

NA: What will the reader like about you right away?

Brenna: That I’m a badass with a very interesting sword, and not afraid to use it.

Viviana bio and links:
Beach bum and country music addicted, Viviana lives in a small Floridian town with her die-hard fans and personal cheer squad: her husband, her son, and her daughter. She spends her days between typing on her beloved keyboard, playing in the pool with her babies, and eating whatever her husband puts on her plate (the guy is that good, and she really loves eating). Besides beaching, she enjoys long walks, horse-riding, hiking, and pretty much whatever she can do outside with her family.

Find Viviana:

The best way to know me is through my website (and the books I host):

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Meet Shiela Stewart and her paranormal romance!

The Darkness seriesThe Darkness series

Seducing the Darkness

Trinity was once a fragile girl. Being taken by Basil, a powerful vampires, changed her, and discovering him in the arms of another woman, changed Trinity’s destiny. Alone, she learned fast how to be tough, how to survive, and how to protect the people in her city from the evil lurking in the dark. She was managing just fine… Until Basil walked back into her life. Desiring the DarknessWith the cloak of darkness draping Jacob’s Cove, Dante Vega must work to protect the humans from the blood-thirsty vampires trying to take over the human race. When a half-naked young woman races into his arms, begging him to save her, he is compelled to help her despite the fact she is a vampire. Embracing the Darkness.

Once, vampire Jonah Moore had it all. When his wife and unborn child were taken from him, his life became darker than the night forever covering Jacob’s Cove. Raven Mooney is used to tending to the needs of others and soon finds herself fighting for her and Jonah’s safety—and freedom. Will they open their hearts to each other and learn there is life after death?

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Meet Shiela:
Shiela StewartQ:
Which genre or genres do you write or prefer to write? And why?
A: I’ve always had a fascination with a murder mystery, and by always, I mean as far back as I can remember. My first introduction was a movie called Straight Jacket. Don’t ask me the plot though, I only caught a few moments of it while my parents watched it after my siblings and I went to bed. What I saw was disturbing. A woman picks up an axe and chops a mans head off. It didn’t take much for my parents to figure out I was watching. I think my sharp gasp gave me away. Now for most kids, that would have been traumatic, and I do remember being scared going back to bed, but that was it. I was five. As I grew up, my older brothers thought it was funny to scare my little sister and me. They’d slide under our beds and grab our feet. They once hid a glow in the dark skeleton head in our closet. I could go on and on, including having lived in a haunted house, but I digress.

The genre’s I prefer to write are paranormal and suspense romance. I like to sprinkle some comedy in my books to keep them a little lighter.

Q: Who influenced you the most in deciding to become a writer?
A: There really wasn’t one thing that influenced me. I’ve always loved telling stories. I loved to read, but I never found a book that matched what I saw in my mind. I wanted a romance to go with the story, but I didn’t want to read one of those mushy harlequin romance. I wanted suspense with it. It wasn’t until I picked up my first Nora Roberts book that I felt at home reading. She had the mystery and the romance. Perfect. Finally, my stories matched.

Q: What gets your creative juices flowing?
A: Nightmares. I have some really scary dreams. I polish them up, put in a romance and viola! Also music. It may seem odd to some that I can concentrate on my story while a heavy dance beat fills the room, but it gives me fuel to write.

Awaken the Demon by Shiela Stewart

Q: Do you have a favorite cartoon character? Why?
A: Don’t judge. I love the Teen Titans go series. It’s a cartoon series I watch with my granddaughter. It’s about young superheroes who think they can get the bad guy but mostly fail. My favourite character on the show is Beats Boy. He’s weird and funny.

Q: Who would you love most to meet ‘in person’ and why?
A: Jared Padalecki or Jensen Ackles. They’re the main stars of a series I am obsessed with called Supernatural.  Why them? For one, they are gorgeous. But mostly, I want to know the real person behind their characters.

Q: If you had an unexpected free day what would you do with it?
A: Stretch out on the couch and watch a movie. Yes, a scary one.

Q: What are you working on now?
A: Secrets of the Dead. It’s a paranormal romance involving the hero and heroine locked in a haunted house and a ghost who won’t let them leave.