Blondes and fun #MFRWauthor

Hair color--blondeClairol used to have a commercial asking if blondes really have more fun. Of course the answer was yes, and supposedly, sales at Clairol proved the point. But an article on Byrdie indicates that blondes do have more fun, get more attention, and even get high salaries. Wow! Where is that Clairol aisle at the drugstore again?

I’ve never done a survey on which hair color I give my heroines more, but IRed hair would guess it’s red. That’s because I’ve always loved red hair. My childhood hair color was pure blonde but by the time I entered my teens it was brown. Not a pretty brown with highlights of either auburn or gold, just…brown. Is it any wonder, then, that I always envied my cousin’s red hair that turned from a luscious strawberry blond to an even prettier bright red as she aged? My grandmother’s hair was a deep auburn, but she and Pamela are the only two in our family to boast red hair. Honestly, I’m not sure either of them appreciated the gift. Not more than I would have, surely. 😉

Ming has an interesting article on personality and hair color:

  • Blonde: You love being the center of attention; you love going out but also curling up on the sofa at home for a quiet evening—which you rarely do because—helloooo—you love going out
  • Black: You’re a coffee shop girl—but not the most famous, chain shop; you’re sort of laid back, but not to the point of watching silly reality TV—it’s news for you; your hair might be black but your heart isn’t!
  • Red: If your take-no-prisoners attitude is a no-go with some people, it’s their loss that they can’t handle you. Always on the go, you are one sassy, hot woman!
  • Brown (brunette): All business! You work hard and play hard and you love who you are. You love to stay busy and have the success to prove it.
  • Brightly colored: Two words that describe you are big and bold and you wear those labels as easily as you wear the bright colors in your hair. You like it loud and bright, and if others don’t, well too bad about them.

BrunetteSo my hair color now? Gray. And I won’t color it. I’ve earned each and every one of those gray hairs, and I’m proud of them! How about you? What color is your hair—in reality or in your dreams—and what does it say about you?

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Burning Bridges by Anne Krist: old letters put the lie to Sara’s life. Now, mending her past mistakes while crossing burning bridges will be the hardest thing she’s ever done.

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