New Sci-Fi! Codename Salamander by Herbert Grosshans

Codename Salamander by Herbert Grosshans

Codename Salamander, Book 1 of the Operation Stargate series


Xenologist Bret Grayson was hired to make contact with one of the indigenous tribes roaming the savannas on the planet Salamander. He soon finds out the real purpose he is on Salamander. His uncle, the legendary Master Scout Terrex Stonewall, also has a hidden agenda, but even he doesn’t know about the secret that lies beneath the original military outpost. It seems every species living in this part of the Galaxy has a sudden interest in Salamander and they are willing to risk a war to keep the secret from falling into human hands. Grayson and Stonewall have no choice but to form an alliance with representatives from the Spiders, the Anorians, and the Accilla. The motley group embarks on a journey that takes them to regions unknown. They face dangers they can only overcome if they set aside their prejudices and work together as one unit.

There was a time when everyone who knew Phillip Lacrosse considered him a handsome man. Handsome and young. Now he was neither. Now he was just a lonely, crabby old man who should have retired a long time ago. That had been his plan, but what does a man do with his time after losing his wife and two daughters?

Lacrosse studied the picture of the woman and the two girls at her side, the only piece of memorabilia left of his family. Everything else was destroyed when a pirate ship attacked and blew up the transporter that was supposed to take them to one of the newly established colonies.

The pirates had been members of the reptilian species known as Mollard. It didn’t matter to Lacrosse which one of the Dragon races had been responsible. He had little love for any of the scaly races. Even the fact that a Union Battle Cruiser hunted and obliterated the pirate ship did nothing to appease Lacrosse and to change his attitude toward the Dragons.

After the mishap with his family, his plans changed. He had no reason to retire and spend his time feeling sorry for himself. When Salamander Mining Ventures offered him the position of Supervisor of Salamander Town he accepted. The planet was far enough from civilization and established trade routes to make it the ideal place for a man like him. Of course, his loneliness was not the only reason he accepted the offered position. The people he worked for urged him to forget about retirement, because he was the ideal candidate for that job.

Salamander Mining paid him a salary he would have died for years ago, but now it meant nothing. He would probably die a rich man. Without heirs, all his wealth would go to the Agency, but that was okay.
He stopped contemplating and looked up when the door to his office opened. A man wearing the brown uniform of the Scouts entered. Behind him stood four humans he had never seen before. At least, he didn’t remember them.

“Master Scout Stonewall, what can I do for you?” He scanned the faces of the strangers. Two men and two women, dressed in primitive clothing fashioned from swamp grass.

“I just returned from a training exercise,” Stonewall said. “We ran into some people you may want to meet, sir.”

Lacrosse wasn’t aware of a ship carrying civilians landing on Salamander, not in the recent past anyway. The only ship he knew of was the one that arrived only a couple of weeks before, but that one had landed by the original outpost.

“Where did you find them?” he asked.

“Actually, they found us. They’re not really people, by that I mean they’re not humans.”

Lacrosse looked past Stonewall. “They look human to me. Are they androids?”

“No, sir, not androids.” Stonewall smiled thinly. “They’re Accilla.”

Buy links:

Melange Books
Amazon Kindle
Amazon Print

Let’s meet Herbert:

NA: Herbert, welcome and thank you for being here.
HG: Thank you for having me and giving me the opportunity to tell readers about myself.

NA: How did you come up with the idea for your Codename Salamander?
Codename Salamander is actually the fifth book in a series I originally called ‘The Spider Wars’, which started with ‘Outpost Epsilon’, the precursor of the series. The main character in that book was a man by the name of Derek Stonewall, a young Scout in the Solar Union. The next 3 books in that series were published under ‘Lizard World’. Outpost Savanna takes place 15 years after the events in ‘Lizard World’. To avoid confusion and allow me to write more books in the ‘Lizard World’ series I dropped ‘The Spider Wars’ and changed the series name of the first 4 books to ‘The Stonewall Chronicles’ and created another series which takes place in the same universe. The new series name is ‘Operation Stargate’, of which Codename Salamander is the first volume. I’ve always liked reading stories about outposts, so I created a planet with an outpost. Derek Stonewall, one of the characters, already existed, but he was getting old and that’s why his nephew appeared. The other characters came into existence as they were needed.

NA: What sort of research did you do to write this book?
Not much. The universe in which the planet Salamander exists was already there. The aliens featured in the book also existed already. I brought one of the characters, Scout Derek Stonewall, to the outpost and went from there.

NA: What is the main thing you want readers to take away from your book?
I want them to travel with me to an imaginary world, experience and enjoy the excitement of meeting peoples different from us humans on the outside, but realizing that even if they don’t look like us, inside they are just like us. They have desires and aspirations the same as ours. Even though they may be more advanced technologically, they still have faults and are not perfect. I want my readers to see that it is possible to get along with others, no matter how different we all may seem. That getting along is the only way to a peaceful existence here on our own planet and in the rest of the universe.

NA: Do you have a day job? What was your job before you started writing full time?
I am retired. I used to be an electrical contractor before I retired. Writing isn’t my full-time job. I have many other interests which I pursue, but writing stories is my main hobby.

NA: What started you on the path to writing?
Even as a kid I told stories and to start writing them down was a natural progression. I’ve always had a fertile imagination and I want to share the adventures I dream up in my head with others.

NA: What do your friends and family think about your being a writer?
Without making this a religious thing, I’d like to quote something from the Bible. Mark 6:4. ‘Then Jesus told them, “A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own hometown and among his relatives and his own family.”
I’m a writer not a prophet, but that quote pretty much answers the question. I read one time about Arnold Schwarzenegger, who, besides being a super-movie-star, became the governor of California, but in his hometown he was still the local yokel.

One of my friends once said to me, “I’m not going to pay to read your books.” Most of them don’t read Science Fiction, if they read at all. My wife reads my stories only because I ask her to.

Even though my sons are avid readers, I don’t think they’ve read any of my books. [I share this with you! I write erotic romance. I realize it’s not for everyone, but it’s not for anyone–apparently–in my circle of family or friends. It’s a bit annoying, isn’t it?]

NA: Do you outline books ahead of time or are you more of a by-the-seat-of-your-pants writer?
I am more of a by-the-seat-of-your-pants writer. If I get an idea for a story, I jot it down, but then I wait for inspiration, not really knowing where I’m going with what I wrote down. One of my stories started with ‘She had emerald eyes.’ I heard that phrase in a song and it intrigued me. Then I sat there and stared at the page thinking, ‘Okay. I established that. She has emerald eyes. Now what?’ Then I wrote down another sentence and another until I had the first paragraph. I wrote more and more and I had the first chapter, still not really knowing where it would lead, but now my imagination began to work and ideas popped into my head. A story began to develop. I ended up writing two books from that one sentence. Eden’s Gate and Hell’s Gate. I called the series Seeds of Chaos.

Once I’m deeper into the story, I will try to write an outline, but that is only there as a guide. My characters usually don’t follow that outline and take me into a completely different direction. I’m always amazed how things fall into place in the end.

NA: Which kind of scenes are the hardest for you to write? Action, dialogue, sex?
I have to say action. I have no problem writing dialogue. The easiest scenes for me to write are sex-scenes, but since I try to keep those scenes out of my stories now, I have to work a little harder with the other two.

NA: What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
I listen to music. I work in my garden in the summer. I have a couple of aquariums with fish, which I take care of. I enjoy fishing and hunting. I belong to a hunting and fishing club where I am the membership chairman and I enjoy that. I write articles for our newsletter. I make my own fishing jigs and I built bird houses and other projects. I fix things around the house. I make soups. I like to blog and read other blogs. I read news articles on line. I go shopping with my wife. I spend my evenings with my wife watching TV. We like movies, comedies, and many of the action shows. We never miss the news. The list is endless. Let’s put it this way: I’m never bored. In fact, there isn’t enough time in a day for all the things I like to do.

You may notice that reading books isn’t on the list. That’s because I rarely read books anymore. I used to be a bookworm and spent much of my time reading. Now I can’t find the time to invest in a long story. I’d rather write my own. I have an extensive library and I have read all the books. I wish I had the time to read many of them again, but now I look at them fondly, remembering the pleasure they brought me when I read them. My hope is now that I can bring the same joy to readers with my stories.

NA: What are your top three favorite books of all time?
That is a tough question for me to answer. There are so many. Perhaps I should tell you who my top three favorite authors are. Let’s see: A. E. van Vogt. Philip José Farmer. Leigh Bracket. I could go on. The list is long. All of them influenced my writing.

NA: A pet peeve.
Women wearing ripped jeans. Honestly. I wouldn’t even wear those when I work in the garden. When I grew up, people, especially girls, dressed in nice clothes. Even poor people that couldn’t afford new clothes didn’t walk around in rags. My wife tells me to get over it. [LOL!]

NA: First thought when the alarm goes off in the morning?
I wonder what the weather will be like today.

NA: What famous person would you like to have dinner with?
God. I would ask him why the Hell He created this insane, violent, and destructive race and let it loose on a beautiful planet like Earth.

NA: What are you working on now? Book 3 in my series Operation Stargate. The working title is The Aregon Files.

NA: What is any question we didn’t ask that you would like to answer?
How do you keep track of time-lines, your characters, and the places and locations your characters visit?

I create charts and I make maps. Drawing maps is part of the enjoyment I get while writing a story. Sometimes, just looking at the map gets my creative juices flowing. I also make lists of the characters. At first, they are just names, but as the story develops, I flesh out the characters and write backgrounds for them, like their age, appearance, place of birth, parents, brothers and sister, and any other relevant information I may need or not.
To make sure I don’t screw up the time it takes between one scene and another, I make a list of dates and events.

Here’s Herbert:

Herbert Grosshans was born in Germany. Even as a young boy he was already a voracious reader. He read every book in the small School library at least three times. His teacher gave him even a few books from his own private collection. His favorite books were stories about heroes and gods. He loved the old legends. At age fourteen, a friend gave him a Science Fiction book and he fell in love with that genre, saving his allowance to buy every SF book he could find, but he also loved Westerns and Mysteries. Later he became a member of the Science Fiction Club Deutschland (Germany) and began writing his own stories. One of his short stories was made into a play and broadcast via radio to schools in Germany.

In his early twenties, he emigrated to Canada. He began reading books written in English and studied to become proficient in this new language. And there was no better way to learn than to also write. Writing became his passion and he enjoyed making his fertile imagination come alive in his stories. During his lunch hour, he wrote into a scribbler and at home he pounded away on his manual typewriter whenever time allowed. The majority of his stories were science fiction.

With the arrival of computers and the internet it suddenly became a lot easier to write, and, most importantly, to get published. His first full length novel Daughter of the Dark, Book 1 of his ‘The Xandra’ series was published in 2006 by Midnight Showcase. Then followed Book 2, Mother of Light, and Book 3, Goddess of Life. The series has since grown to eight volumes. So far, Herbert has published more than 30 books in different genres. Most of Herbert’s stories contain erotica and are for adult readers. His books are available from his publisher Melange Books, LLC, but also from Amazon and other outlets. To find out more about Herbert’s books, please, visit his website and his blog.


Skills of the Warramunga: Greg Kater

We’re turning a bit away from romance this month and hosting some authors new to us, who write other fiction and some non-fiction. We think our guest bloggers are phenomenal, and believe you will, too. Comment, and let us know what you think!

Skills of the Warramunga by Greg Kater

Skills of the Warramunga

NA: How did you come up with the idea for your book?
GK: Skills of the Warramunga is my third historical fiction novel in a series of books covering the 1940’s period, specifically World War II and the aftermath of war. This novel takes place during the first half of 1946 on the Malayan peninsula at a time of turmoil following the defeat of the Japanese. During my career in the resources industry, I spent quite a lot of time in Malaysia, as well as the other South East Asian countries, and the region is well known to me. As with my other novels, except for the really bad fellows, the fictional characters in the book are mostly based on the variety of people I worked with over the years, during my long career.

NA: What sort of research did you do to write this book?
GK:From personal experience, I am very familiar with most parts of the Malayan peninsular depicted in the novel. Research was focussed on the actual historical events leading up to the April 1946 creation of the Malayan Union by the British Military Authority. These historical events are a backdrop to all the action and drama which takes place throughout the book.

NA: What is a fun fact about writing your book?
GK: The greatest fun, to me, was remembering the weird and wonderful people I worked with around the world over a long career of 56 years and casting them as fictional characters in my books. Although they all have fictional names, some of them have been able to recognize themselves.

NA: Do you have a day job? What was your job before you started writing full time?
GK: I have retired recently after a 56-year career in the resources industries, a career which took me to all parts of the world

NA: What started you on the path to writing?
GK: My retirement started me on the path to writing. Rambling around in my head were memories of the exotic places where I had worked as well as the people I had met and worked with. I decided it would be fun to include all those memories into works of fiction. For the first time in many years, I actually had plenty of time on my hands.

NA: What do your friends and family think about you being a writer?
GK: I think, in general, they were all quite surprised. My wife is very happy about it as she was worried that, after a very active career, on my retirement I might become a terrible nuisance with nothing to do. Writing certainly keeps me out of mischief.

All my friends tell me that they have really enjoyed my books. I hope they are not just being kind. I have won some awards, so perhaps my novels are not too bad.

NA: Do you outline books ahead of time or are you more of a by-the-seat-of-your-pants writer?
GK: Both, to a certain extent. I usually start off with a lot of research so that the succession of historical facts is correct. Then with the historical events running along in the background, my fictional characters become involved in the action. The fictional actions are not planned too far in advance but evolve as I progress further into the story.

NA: What has been one of your most rewarding experiences as an author?
GK: There are, of course, many rewarding experiences including multiple maximum star reviews, accolades from many of my readers, the odd award and the joy of completing a novel and having it published.

I would say, however, the most rewarding experience has been to find out that someone like me, who has only ever written multitudes of technical reports, can actually write historical fiction that is entertaining.

NA: What do you like to do when you are not writing?
GK: I closely follow the various careers of my children and I spend quite some time talking to my grandchildren and following their exploits on the athletic fields and swimming pools as well as their successes at scholastic endeavours and jobs.

For myself, I was never in one place for long enough to become any good at golf and, due to age, I’ve given up tennis. I now play lawn bowls regularly at our local Bowls Club.

I am also a part-owner of the Egelabra Merino Stud, a major family-owned sheep and cattle enterprise in central New South Wales. I spend some time on the telephone discussing the property with brother and cousins, particularly in this time of drought when we have had to move quickly to get all our cattle and some of our sheep on agistment to other parts of Australia where rainfalls have been good.

NA: Why did you choose the shirt you have on now?
GK: I must confess, I didn’t go to any trouble choosing it. It was on top of a pile of newly washed clothing and was the easiest shirt to grab early in the morning.

NA: First thought when the alarm goes off in the morning?
GK: Since I’ve retired, I don’t have an alarm clock anymore. When I wake up, the first thought that usually comes to me is, since I have already won my OBE (Over Bloody Eighty), how lucky I and my wife are to still be so fit.

NA: Strangest place you’ve brushed your teeth?
GK: That would definitely be in Chara, near Udokan, in the Transbaikal region of Siberia. It was February, 1992 and the temperature was -54 degrees C. The only water that wasn’t frozen was ice being boiled in the kettle for tea. I had to clean my teeth with dry almost-frozen toothpaste before going to bed.

NA: What are you working on now?
GK: I am working on a new historical fiction novel which is completely different than my first four books. It takes place in the first half of the 1800’s and is based on the actual voyages by my great-great-grandparents from England to Australia and the trials and tribulations of settling in Australia at that time. There were occasional droughts and depressions which tested the settlers of that era.

I am lucky to have many of the original letters from my great-great-grandmother as well several early histories of my family. The meeting of my two great-great-grandparents was very romantic and after marriage they weathered good times and bad raising sheep, cattle and children in the bush country. Real pioneers! It is historical fiction, as I have added some conversations and events which may or may not have happened exactly the way I have written about them.

The working title of the new novel is, “Scent of a Foreign Land.” It is taking longer than I expected because it is so different for me. I have completed about 60% of it. I don’t expect to have it published before mid-2020.

NA: What is any question we didn’t ask that you would like to answer?
GK: I suppose a question would be – what is my third novel about?
Greg KaterThe events take place during the first half of 1946 when former army officer, Jamie Munro, and educated half-aborigine, Jack “Jacko” O’Brien, who head the Commonwealth Investigation Service in Darwin, are called on to assist in the rescue of Colonel John Cook, a senior operative of MI6, who has been kidnapped by unknown bandits into the jungles of Malaya.

During the recent war, Jamie and Jacko had worked in intelligence operations with Colonel Cook during the desert campaign in North Africa in the Second World War, as the Afrika Corps threatened Egypt.

The pair with Jacko’s half-sister, Sarah, a full blood aborigine, originally from Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory, arrive in Kuala Lumpur in the aftermath of war to find that they not only have to contend with the impenetrable jungle of the Malay peninsula, but also with a large murderous and subversive organisation of Fascist criminals whose aim is to disrupt the 1st of April 1946 creation of the Malayan Union by the British Military Authority, foment an uprising and take over control of the country. All the inherent bushcraft skills of the Warramunga are needed to prevent catastrophic mayhem on the Malayan Peninsula.

Mystery and Murder in Karluk Bones by Robin Barefield

Robin Barefield might be new to you–she is to me!–but this book will find a place on my shelf!

Karluk Bones by Robin Barefield

Karluk Bones blurb:

When two men recently discharged from the air force set out for a hunting trip on Kodiak Island in Alaska, they expect the adventure of a lifetime. Instead, they find themselves embroiled in a never-ending nightmare.
More than forty years later, biologist Jane Marcus and her friends discover human remains near Karluk Lake in the middle of the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge. Jane soon learns a bullet was responsible for shattering the skull they found. What happened? Was the gunshot wound the result of a suicide, or was it homicide? Who was this individual who died in the middle of the wilderness, and when did he die? Jane can’t stop asking questions, and she turns to Alaska State Trooper Sergeant Dan Patterson for answers.

Sergeant Patterson doesn’t have time for Jane and her questions because he is investigating the recent murder of a floatplane pilot on the island. Was the pilot shot by one of his passengers, by another pilot, by campers in the area where his body was found, or did his wife hire someone to kill him? The number of suspects in the case overwhelms Patterson, but a notebook in the pocket of the dead pilot provides clues to the last weeks of the pilot’s life.

With no time to spare for old bones, Patterson gives Jane permission to research the remains she found near Karluk Lake. Jane’s investigation into the bones seems harmless to Patterson, but she awakens a decades-old crime which some believed they’d buried long ago.

Will Patterson find who murdered the pilot before the killer leaves the island, and will Jane’s curiosity put her life in danger? What evil lurks at Karluk Lake?

Karluk Bones link on Amazon

I turned and ran into a thick mass of alders and willows. The rifle blast nearly deafened me, but somehow, the bullet missed me. I pushed through a willow thicket and found a narrow game trail on the other side. I could move much faster on the game trail, but so could the man, and I was also a much easier target out in the open.

I ran a short distance down the trail and heard the loud report of the rifle again. A bullet struck a tree in front of me, and I darted back into the thick brush and pushed through the undergrowth. This area showed no damage from the fire in May, and I struggled through the jungle-like growth. I lost my sense of direction while fighting through willows and alders, and I didn’t know if I was heading toward the lakeshore or away from it. I did not want to emerge on the open shore where the guy could easily spot and shoot me.

I tried not to make noise but found it impossible to hurry through the willows without breaking branches. When I exited into a small clearing, I expected my assailant to be waiting, but I saw no sign of him. I found another game trail leading back toward my camp, and I ran down it, tripping once over a fallen branch. I recovered my balance and began to feel I’d temporarily lost my pursuer when a powerful force slammed into my left shoulder and sent me toppling. I lay on the ground dazed, unsure what had happened. I didn’t remember hearing a blast, but there must have been one. I’d been shot.

Karluk Bones by Robin Barefield

NA: How did you come up with the idea for your book?
RB: I write a true-crime newsletter about murder and mystery in Alaska, and I based Karluk Bones on two of the stories I’ve covered in my newsletter as well as on a horrific experience a friend endured, and on a psychopathic trapper who threatened my husband’s family. The plot for Karluk Bones percolated in my brain for a long time as I thought of a way to combine these tales. Of course, I tweaked the stories to fit my plot, but they prove truth is often stranger than fiction.

NA: What sort of research did you do to write this book?
RB: The most challenging research I did for this book was learning what a forensic anthropologist can decipher from old bones. I thought it would take only an hour or two to research all the questions my protagonist needed to ask the forensic anthropologist, but the answers to those questions turned out to be tougher than I expected. Most of the material I found was either too simplistic or too complicated. By the time I finished my research, I’d learned a great deal about bones, and my protagonist was able to get the answers she needed.

NA: A fun fact about writing your book
RB: As I mentioned, I mostly based this book on a terrible incident that happened to a friend of mine. When the book was released, he immediately ordered the Kindle version, and he was thrilled when I recently sent him a signed copy of the print version. I felt excited and a little relieved to receive his approval and know he was excited to be a part of the book.

NA: Do you have a full-time job?
RB: Yes, my husband and I own a lodge on Kodiak Island in Alaska, and the lodge is open from May until late November. In the summer, I work as a fishing and wildlife-viewing guide. We operate seven days a week with few breaks, so writing can be a challenge. I always carry a notebook and write whenever I have a few minutes. Since I write wilderness mysteries, I love writing when I’m surrounded by nature.

NA: What started you on the path to writing?
RB: I started writing when my mother had cancer, and I sat by her bed during her final weeks. I was very depressed and decided I should write down my thoughts. Before I knew it, though, I’d written several pages about a woman who escaped her dying mother’s hospital room for a few minutes to drive in the country. A car sped down the road past her, missed a turn, and catapulted into a wheat field. The woman found the driver near death, and he whispered a last nonsensical message to her.

Within no time, I’d discovered a way momentarily to escape my grief, and I’ve never stopped writing since then.

NA: What is the biggest surprise you had after becoming a writer?
RB: Writing is hard, lonely work, but the biggest surprise I’ve had is how much I love it. I’m much happier when I’m writing, and if I’ve had a bad day, I close myself in my room and write. Now, I believe I need to write to remain sane.

NA: Do you outline books ahead of time, or are you more of a by-the-seat-of-your-pants writer?
RB: I fall somewhere in the middle. I always develop an outline, but it’s not a tight outline. I know where I’m headed in the story, but I allow myself some wiggle room. Thoughts and ideas come to me while I’m writing, and often, these ideas make my story better. I don’t want an outline to hem me in so much that I can’t incorporate new ideas and storylines.

NA: What has been one of your most rewarding experiences as an author?
RB: I live in the middle of the wilderness in Alaska, so I don’t meet many authors here. My publisher, though, put together a group of authors to help each other promote our books (, and we meet once a week online. I love the camaraderie I feel with these other authors. I also enjoy meeting and getting to know authors such as Dee and Jan. We live in separate areas of the world, but we understand the joys and frustrations of being an author. I would never have enjoyed the pleasure of meeting Dee and Jan if I didn’t write books!

NA: When you’re not writing, what do you do?
RB: When I’m not writing or podcasting or working at our lodge, I love making dichroic glass jewelry and weaving antler baskets. I sell both my jewelry and my baskets and use the proceeds to pay for editing and publicity for my books.

NA: Why did you choose the shirt you have on?
RB: It’s comfortable and warm. It’s snowing and windy here tonight, so warm is essential!

NA: First thought when the alarm goes off in the morning.
RB: No!! Then, I plan my writing projects for the day.

NA: Strangest place you’ve brushed your teeth.
RB: I camp a lot, so I’ve brushed my teeth in many strange places, but I guess the most challenging place was near Karluk Lake, where we had a camp in the middle of a large concentration of huge brown bears. I brushed my teeth outside my tent in the woods, so I either waited until it was light, or I brushed my teeth very quickly in the dark.

NA: What are you working on now?
RB: I am now working on my next novel as well as a non-fiction book about the wildlife of Kodiak Island. I write a monthly newsletter about real murder and mystery in Alaska, and I have a podcast: Murder and Mystery in the Last Frontier, available at

NA: Why do you set your stories in the Alaska wilderness?
RB: I believe the adage: write what you know. I’ve lived in the Alaska wilderness for 35 years, so I am very comfortable writing novels set in the wilderness. I wouldn’t be good at writing a story set in Los Angeles or New York City.

Meet Robin Barefield:

Robin BarefieldRobin Barefield lives in the wilderness on Kodiak Island, where she and her husband own a remote lodge. She has a master’s degree in fish and wildlife biology and is a wildlife-viewing and fishing guide. Robin has published four novels: Big Game, Murder Over Kodiak, The Fisherman’s Daughter, and Karluk Bones. She draws on her love and appreciation of the Alaska wilderness as well as her scientific background when writing.

Robin invites you to join her at her website, and while you are there, sign up for her free monthly newsletter about true crime in Alaska. Robin also narrates a podcast: Murder and Mystery in the Last Frontier.

Robin is a charter member of Author Masterminds.

Watch a short webinar about how Robin became a published author and why she writes Alaska wilderness mysteries.

Amazon Author Page

A handbook of life: The Quest by Stephen Paul Tomie

Here is a non-fiction book about life and what we’re doing in it. We welcome Stephen Paul Tomie!

The Quest by Stephen Paul Tomie

The Quest blurb:
This book is looking at yourself through the five (5) Ws. The why, the when, the who, the where, and the what. Why these factors entered your life, how they affected your life, the reason or logic behind them in your life, trying to explain your life’s action, and the real reality of them in your life in the first place, or in this case how all these factors contributed to me in making me who I am, and the right and wrong of my actions taken.

Handbook of Life:

  • Learn to live with what you have.
  • Feel free to share your love.
  • Always show others you care.
  • Try to speak without harsh words to anyone.
  • Seek happiness throughout your life.
  • Solving problems helps make you strong.
  • Heartache is a part of life.
  • Do not be afraid to fail. Success will be your reward.

Buy link:

Meet Paul and his book:

NA: How did you come up with the idea for your book?
SPT: It just came to me as an idea that would be fun to write as well as examining my own mental processes and emotional state by looking inward to try and understand what makes me tick. It also allowed me to take a walk down memory lane and see what was stored away in the back corner of my brain. It was enlightening to recall my childhood antics and my major pitfalls in life so there were smiles and painful moments where I wished I’d either not done or been sharp enough to have avoided in the first place.

NA: What sort of research did you do to write this book?
SPT: There wasn’t any research as it all revolved around myself and what I could remember at that time. It actually helped stimulate the brain and possibly stave off dementia?

NA: What is the main thing you want readers to take away from your book?
SPT: The main thing I want readers to take away from this book is twofold. One, they can have a laugh at my expense, and two, it may cause them to stop and think about their earlier life and what memories are stored away. It may even cause them to realize they were either a good child or like me a little devious hinging on a little bad, but not terrible. Hopefully they too will be shocked with what they recall and not recall of their youth.

NA: A fun fact about writing your book.
SPT: A fun fact about writing this book was how amazed I was that my brain could recall incidents of my childhood I thought were lost forever. Also, to be able to laugh at myself once again at my behavior and the corners I’d painted myself into.

NA: Do you have a day job? What was your job before you started writing full time?
SPT: No, I don’t have a day job and not for the last ten years. Every day is now a Saturday and my schedule every day is what I want it to be, except for professional appointments. It is nice to boycott early mornings after forty years of an alarm clock

NA: What started you on the path to writing?
SPT: It was just something on my bucket list of things I wanted to do and now I’ve had the opportunity to try it. I wasn’t sure if I could write a book but as they say, ‘you will never know unless you try.’ My wife’s illness and watching how brave she was as she fought her cancer astonished me. In her near-death stage, how thoughtful she was to organize what she wanted done, her funeral, flowers, music, versus to be read, and the after service visitation. She knew in my hour of grief I would be a basket case and unable to function well, so she took that responsibility off my shoulders. I had to honour this lady. Writing “Now You Have Her.. Now You Don’t” is a tribute to a wonderful lady, to let the world know what she’d done in her life and her fight for life. It became easy to describe in this book as the pages seemed to flow.

NA: The biggest surprise you had after becoming a writer
SPT: The biggest surprise I had after becoming a write was from friends and relatives on how impressed they were by my books. Another surprise came from readers of “Estate Planning & Executor Guide” telling me how helpful it was as a resource, especially for executors of family estates. That my book actually helped others faced with the difficult task of clearing up a family estate is worth more than money. The second biggest surprise was a Palliative Care hospital was willing to put all my books in their library for family members visiting sick relatives. Priceless to me.

NA: Do you outline books ahead of time or are you more of a by-the-seat-of-your-pants writer?
SPT: No, when sitting down to write a book, I just jump right in with both feet, so I guess it’s a seat of your pants approach. The subjects I write about are very familiar or have affected my life or felt as in my poetry. Its expressing emotions and trying desperately to reach the reader to experience what I was feeling at the time.

NA: Do you have quirky writing habits?
SPT: I don’t think I have any quirky writing habits but then I have never told myself that I do. I guess in all honesty, I don’t like to take a break from what I am writing until I get to a certain point where I feel comfortable to leave it. Sometimes my body lets me know I’ve been at it too long as I am stiff and sore. I don’t watch the clock!

NA: What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
SPT: I like to go to the gym three times a week for about two hours. This frees up my brain from writing and life issues that bother me, and it helps prevent medical problems. Also, visiting friends over a glass of wine and catching up on their news is very rewarding, Believe it or not, grocery shopping, I love to fill the grocery cart as full as possible and see at the check out how carried away I got.

NA: Why did you choose the shirt you have on?
SPT: My only concern is that it coordinates with the pants I chose. I’m a bit of a clothing horse, as the expression goes, as I have closets for winter outfits and closets for summer outfits.

NA: First thought when the alarm goes off in the in the morning?
SPT: If I have to set the alarm for an appointment that’s in the early hours, I roll over and say to myself just a few more minutes. I might fall back asleep and wake up knowing my whole day is thrown off because I didn’t get up what that confounded alarm went off!

NA: What famous person would you like to have dinner with?
SPT: The most famous person that I would like to have dinner with would be Sir Arthur Conan Doyle who wrote the Sherlock Holmes novels. I have the utmost respect for his writing skills and the way he lays out the stories. I would love to just sit and talk with him and find out where he gets his inspiration and the characters he creates.

NA: What are you working on now?
SPT: I am currently working on “When Your Time Is Up” which delves into my theory that we are given a number at birth and when you come to earth we are working on a time table and likely you won’t have a have a choice when the Angel of Death comes for us Or is it possible we can cheat death through our own actions or some outside forces?

NA: What is any question we didn’t ask that you would like to answer?
SPT: I would like some feedback from your newsletter readers on their opinion of The Quest. Their opinions and suggestions would be welcome and appreciated.

[NA: Please do let us know if you have anything you’d like to pass on to Paul. Either Jan or I will get your questions/comments to him.]

Stephen Paul TomieWhere to find Stephen Paul Tomie:

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Lies of Gold takes SILVER: Best Historical Book, 2019!!

Lies of Gold by Jan Selbourne

Coffee Pot Book Club awarded Lies of Gold and our Jan Selbourne SILVER place in the Best Historical Book Awards, 2019! If you’ve ever wondered if a book deserved an award, put your doubts aside for this novel. Here are just a sampling of Jan’s reviews:

“Just finished Lies of Gold and was completely blown away.” Author Judith G White

“Lies of Gold is not only an absorbing and heart-warming romance, but it is also a grand adventure, filled with deplorable villains and likeable rogues. I cannot praise this book enough. I enjoyed every minute of it.

If you are looking for your next Historical Romance read, then do yourself a favour and check out Lies of Gold. You won’t be disappointed.

I Highly Recommend.” Mary Anne Yarde, The Coffee Pot Book Club

“I loved this fast paced, edge of your seat murder mystery romance combination page burner of a read. The emotions the characters depicted were outstanding. The hero and heroine without a doubt compatible. The story line flowed brilliantly. It was as if you were watching in on a big screen. Lies of Gold is an absolute must read!” Tricia Davis. Historical Romance Addicts

“I was truly drawn into this story of romance, adventure and suspense. The characters were rich and deep and the storyline was captivating. Lies of Gold is a the best historical romance novel I’ve read in years! I look forward to reading more of Jan Selbourne’s books in the future. Well done!!!” Betty Ann Harris

“I didn’t want the book to end I wanted more time with the characters. That to me is. the definition of a fantastic book.” Carol Rising

“IF ALL HISTORICAL FICTION WERE THIS GOOD, I’D NEVER READ ANOTHER GENRE!… This is top-notch writing by a gifted writer who has an undying fan in me. Bravo Jan Selbourne.” Viga Boland, author No Tears for my Father”

And there are many more reviews equally as sterling. Trust me, no one gets reviews like this unless their writing is tight, their historical reference is accurate, and their storytelling is superb!

Christmas gift Lies of Gold

I asked Jan about winning the SILVER award.

NA: Jan, how did you feel when you discovered you’d been nominated for Best Historical Book?
JS: Stunned. No other word for it. Last March the Coffee Pot Book Club gave Lies of Gold a fabulous review and I was thrilled to bits Mary Anne Yarde liked my story enough to award it Book of the Month. I thought that was the end of it until her email last month telling me Lies of Gold was a finalist in her book of the year awards.. I had no idea it was considered for any award.

NA: What about the morning the awards were announced?
JS: I’ll be honest, I hesitated opening my Inbox. To read I’d been awarded the Historical Book of the Year’s Silver medal was incredible I stared at the email in awe.

NA: What do you think it was about Lies of Gold that fascinated readers and won the award?
JS: I wanted my characters to be real people with flaws, who’ve made mistakes and have to live with them. In Lies of Gold my main characters had a brief torrid affair in their twenties, they parted in anger and the consequences were harsh. When they met again ten years later they were, like all of us, very different people. When writing historical fiction, I believe authors should try to provide an accurate as possible background of their era of choice. We can’t drop our hero and heroine into the Tudor period, or the Regency period and hope for the best. We must portray those eras warts and all. For instance, the Regency period was a renaissance of architecture, culture and fashion – and rigid class distinction, poverty and brutal penal system. In Lies of Gold I highlighted the unjust marriage laws of that time. A woman was the property of her husband with very few rights.

Jan, I’m incredibly happy for you and proud of you! Congratulations on your award!

Best Historical Book Silver medal

Their love affair ended in anger and painful consequences. Lady Katherine Ashford has guarded a secret through years of abuse. Fighting wars and hard living has numbed Julian Ashford. Then fate steps in. A traitor is smuggling gold across the Channel to Napoleon Bonaparte and Julian is ordered back to Halton Hall and Katherine. It’s her secret and the increasing danger that rekindle the love they once shared, then a murder reveals the shocking truth of the gold smuggling. However, nothing could prepare them for the devastating betrayal when they finally face the mastermind behind this sordid operation.

Jan Selbourne books

Julian walked out of the drawing room and felt a sliver of shock when he opened the door to his bedchamber. He couldn’t remember how he got here. Swearing softly, he walked to the window overlooking the front courtyard and rested his head against the glass. He’d fathered a child, a daughter. For nine years, his daughter had lived in this house as Charles’s daughter. His vision blurred. Ten years of hard living had buried those deep painful scars and all it took was one look at Katherine and that small girl’s face to peel it all away. Like peeling an onion, his eyes were stinging like hell.

He remembered the night he met Katherine as if it were yesterday. Charles was in France and he was in London attending a debutante’s ball. Bored out of his head with the simpering young females and strutting males he was looking for an excuse to depart when his cousin’s tall, elegant wife, Katherine was introduced to him. The orchestra began playing and he asked her to join him on the floor. It was a waltz; he took her in his arms, her eyes met his and he knew he’d met the only woman he’d ever love. They’d set off murmurs behind fans for dancing twice and they didn’t leave each other for a week. They’d made intense, passionate, love, they’d laid in each other’s arms and talked for hours, they were as one. She’d confided Charles was a hard, brutish man but she would not leave him because she’d lose all rights to her four years old son. He’d begged her, made promises he knew he couldn’t keep. She’d shaken her head in despair. As soon as Charles returned to London they would go home to Halton Hall.

He’d prayed Charles’s ship would sink to the bottom of the Channel. She’d cried in his arms; he’d cried in her arms. The day before Charles was due to arrive in London they became tense with each other and finally, distraught, he’d accused her of selling herself for the title and privilege. She’d thrown a heavy teapot at his head. When it struck, he’d seen stars for several seconds before shouting more insults. She’d furiously told him he couldn’t afford to keep her on his army pay. He’d walked out.

Julian barely remembered the following months of heavy drinking and angry self-pity until the army knocked his arrogance and selfishness out of him and saved his sanity. He knew damn well his army pay wouldn’t have kept her and he knew damn well she’d have lost all rights to her son. Knowing Charles, he would have demanded she be brought back to him and the law and the church would have supported him. Her life would have been worse than hell. Now this, Christ, never in a million years did he expect this. He wanted to walk away but he couldn’t because the whole damn top secret investigation would crumble or blow up in his face.

He sat down by the fire and put his head in his hands. He didn’t know it then, but that night fourteen months ago, changed his life. Benjamin Bloomfield, aide de camp to His Royal Highness, the Prince Regent, had ordered Brigadier Sir Ian MacDonald, Sir Henry Whitton and himself to meet at a nondescript location on the outskirts of London. On their arrival, they’d been momentarily lost for words to find a sober and serious Prince Regent waiting for them. Senior government officials had drawn the Regent’s attention to the alarming amounts of gold leaving England. Well-placed sources in France had reported English gold was being smuggled across the Channel to help finance Napoleon Bonaparte’s army. Intensive investigations along the east coast had failed to find any solid evidence but the Regent was not satisfied. He and Bloomfield were convinced someone in the upper echelons of power and influence was behind it or protecting the smugglers. That night the five men present decided that from now on the Prince Regent would shrug it off as rumors and lose interest.

That night MacDonald, Whitton and Julian agreed to begin their search for the source. The Prince Regent named the secret investigation Spider’s Web. The three men thought the name childish but they dutifully indulged His Royal Highness. Not one word of the meeting was recorded and at the conclusion the Prince Regent instructed the three men to meet on the first day of each month and report their progress to Bloomfield the day after. Their investigations were secret and painstaking and gradually they began to close in on this part of the coast. They had observed from a distance, they had moved a little closer and then, as with every other investigation, the scent disappeared. However, they were convinced and MacDonald decreed Julian was the only suitable person to come and go around the Ballingford estates and the coast without raising suspicions.

Julian stretched his feet towards the fire, remembering his furious refusal to return to this place he despised intensely and how he nearly resigned his commission when summoned to a private audience with the Prince Regent. High Treason was involved and as an officer of the Crown he was expected to do his duty. He’d reluctantly bowed to HRH’s orders and it was agreed that to be convincing he’d have to be in dire straits to return. His debts, scandals and fistfights were carefully and authentically orchestrated culminating in him being bawled out by Ian MacDonald who’d conveniently forgotten the raw young corporal and scandal loving clerk in his office. Then their one reliable informer, who’d only agreed to meet him under strict conditions of anonymity, was found with his throat cut. He and Baker had arrived at Halton Hall with no idea of where to start or where to look for the needle in the haystack of boats and fishermen and identify whoever was behind this well organized group of traitors. When he did find evidence, his orders were to send a coded message to MacDonald and Whitton and the net would close in.

No matter what was thrown at him now, he could not walk away. They were so close and if the web was broken it could not be repaired. Nor could he let down Ian MacDonald, his uncle and mentor, to whom he owed so much.

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About Jan:
Jan SelbourneJan Selbourne was born and educated in Melbourne, Australia and her love of literature and history began as soon as she learned to read and hold a pen. After graduating from a Melbourne Business College her career began in the dusty world of ledgers and accounting, working in Victoria, Queensland and the United Kingdom. On the point of retiring, she changed course to work as secretary of a large NSW historical society. Now retired Jan is enjoying her love of travelling and literature. She has two children, a stray live in cat and lives near Maitland, New South Wales.

Website: Nomad Authors

Oooo! The Billionaire’s Mistake: Brenda Pearson

Welcome to Nomad Authors, Brenda!

Billionaire's Mistake by Brenda Pearson

Billionaire Joshua Pierce has a reputation for being powerful and arrogant—both in the business world and on a personal level. He knows exactly what he wants, and he will stop at nothing until he acquires it. But his control has been shaken since the moment Lizzie St. John, a gorgeous, sexy blond with a wicked smile and eyes that would make any man weak in the knees, entered his life. That one indulgent night changed both their lives, igniting a passion that that’s still burning nine months later. But now she’s refusing his advances and his calls, with good reason—after the events of that night, she knows she can’t trust him.

Lizzie St. John has had bad luck with men. First, her father disowned her for following her dream and not his. Then her ex-boyfriend stole from her. And now, the owner of her building has told her he’s selling and she only has seven days to come up with an outrageous amount of money if she wants to keep her business. That night with Joshua Pierce had given her a chance to break away, to forget. The moment Josh had touched her, there was no turning back. But then he’d shown her he was just like the others. Now he’s trying to prove he’s different. Could she give him a second chance, finally open her heart and trust again?

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Let’s Meet Brenda!

NA: How did you come up with the idea for your Book?

BP: Well, this one is easy! Josh and Lizzie were introduced in Billionaire’s Love and Forgiveness. Lizzie is a strong Character and best friend of Megan Harrison so sparks flew from the moment she met Josh, and I knew I had to write about them in Billionaire’s Mistake.

NA: What is the main thing you want readers to take away from your book?

BP: Family. I love writing about how family stick together and protect each other.  Yet, I want them to relate to my characters.

NA: A fun fact about writing your book.

BP: That I could be more like Lizzie, she’s strong and courageous and doesn’t put up with any bullshit. She reminds me so much of my best friend in a way I think that is why I wrote her.

NA: Do you have a day job?

BP: What was your job before you started writing full time? Yes, I have a day job.  I would like to write full time but I’m still not known yet as Author but it’s my dream to one day retire so I can concentrate on writing full time.

NA: What started you on the path of writing?

BP: I’ve always loved reading. One day I told my friend that wouldn’t it be crazy if I wrote one. My co-worker and friend convince me so I started plotting in my head about characters and the next thing I knew I had 3 chapters written. That was in 2013 yet Billionaire’s Love didn’t come out till 2016.

NA: What do your friends and family think about your being a writer?

BP: I think my family and friends are my biggest supporter and proud of me, even though my brothers did say they wouldn’t read my kind of books they still supported me and encourage me to keep going.  I’m so thankful for having such amazing friends and family and good support team.

NA: What has been one of your most rewarding experiences as an author?

BP: When I first started this journey I had no clue what to do. Honestly, but being part of the RWA and RWAC I’ve been blessed with so many amazing people Authors themselves that don’t mind giving you advice. I think that is the most rewarding to me being part of these amazing people that surround me.

NA: What kind of scenes is the hardest for you to write?

BP: Sex scenes are the hardest; they have to feel real and need to be so much in touch with your emotions. Yes, I write romance go figure, huh!

NA: What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

BP: I love to play golf, but I’ve started my own little side business, hopefully, it will take off soon so I can retire much faster.

NA: First thought when the alarm goes off in the morning?

BP: 5 more minutes and I hit the snooze button. Wishing I could be working from home.

NA: What errand/chore do you despise the most?

BP:OH, that would be grocery shopping, it’s amazing how food costs so much these days compared to when we were kids.

NA: What famous person would you like to have dinner with?

BP: H.M.Ward, she is the most amazing person I’ve ever meet.  What that woman has gone through and overcome, and still all her fans adore her, if I would have 1/4 of her knowledge in marketing and writing a book I would be able to stay home and do what I love.

NA: What are you working on now?

BP: My 4th book is Billionaire’s Rescue, Brandon Pierce. I love when my characters come back in Series.  ( Pierce Brother Series)

NA: What advice would you like to pass on?

BP: Don’t ever give up, if you believe in yourself that you can do something then do it. A finished manuscript is better than one never finished.  It’s a tough market out there but all it takes is one book to make it someone notice you, that is why I’m not giving up.  I still have a lot to learn and hope one day I will get that chance but until then I’m just going to keep trying till I do get notice and hope on good things to come.  Don’t forget to check out Billionaire’s Love and Billionaire’s Forgiveness (Max and Megan’S story), books one and two.

Find Brenda:

Brenda PearsonBrenda Pearson’s first book was published in 2016. Brenda was born Eastern Township of Quebec, Canada but has since been happily living in Halifax, Nova Scotia.  There she enjoys the salty air, the wildlife, and the warmth and kindness of Nova Scotians.  She hopes to retire one day and write full time in her peaceful surrounding. Brenda enjoys writing, reading and golfing and spend quality time with her dog Molly and her partner Derek.


Brenda Whiteside and The Power of Love and Murder

The Power of Love and Murder by Brenda Whiteside

This Christmas, Penny Spark’s desire to reconnect with family causes her to expose her true identity—a secret she’s hidden for thirteen years from the political powers who murdered her family.

Jake Winters is out of rehab and coming to grips with his demons. When he meets Penny, he believes this holiday season could be the start of life after rock star status…until her secrets blow up his world.

With a government agent turned hit man closing in on her, Penny and Jake race to expose the presidential contender behind the murders of her family. Even if they win the race with death, the murder that stands between them could end their hope for a new life.

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Jake nodded, but all he could concentrate on were Penny’s last words before the officer appeared. When they were alone again, he threw up his hands. “What do you mean, go back to Phoenix? Why the hell would I do that? My sister’s been murdered, and I want to find out why.”

She turned her back on him, went to the open door of the bathroom, and lifted her clothes from the hook. Beneath the thin, hospital gown her spine was straight, her movements tight, as if coiled and ready to spring.

“Penny, I know how much she meant to you.” How much she meant to both of them. He wanted to hold her, share their loss. “I’m not leaving you.”

Untying the gown, she let it drop around her feet, and sidestepped out of the heap. She pulled the dark gray sweater over her head then stepped into black velvet jeans. She wouldn’t make eye contact, wouldn’t speak as she sat on the green plastic chair.

This was killing him. He needed to hold her, help her with her pain—his pain. Haltingly, he made his way to her, touched her head, and waited while she zipped her boots. “Penny.” She resisted, but he tipped her chin, forcing her to look up. “Come on, baby. You don’t have to worry about me leaving you.”

“You will.”


“When I tell you the truth, you will.”

Let’s meet Brenda!

NA: How did you come up with the idea for your book?

BW: This is the fourth book in the series. One of my critique partners loved a minor character in book one who was nicknamed The Black Fairy because of her penchant for Goth dress and her small stature. She insisted she needed her own book. I liked the idea and The Power of Love and Murder was off and running.

NA: What sort of research did you do to write this book?

BW: This research was fun. I knew nothing about the FBI, but I needed to. One of the villains is an FBI agent turned bad. I also needed to research downtown Phoenix, which I should know about having been born there and lived there for many years, but I didn’t. I also had to research mob murders and corporate structure. The story takes place during the Christmas holidays, which I love and required no research.

NA: A fun fact about writing your book.

BW: The hero spends a really awful night in a cheap hotel. This is based on fact. My brother had the experience. When he told us the story many years ago, I laughed so hard. I knew I would some day use that scene in a book.

NA: Do you have a day job?

BW: I am retired from the day job. What was your job before you started writing full time? For many years, I worked in the Child and Adult Care Food Program. I assisted Child Care Providers with nutrition and training.

NA: The biggest surprise you had after becoming a writer?

BW: It isn’t all about writing. So much of the time is spent on promoting my books and myself. If I don’t, then no one knows I exist. Ah, if we could just write and write and write!

NA: Do you outline books ahead of time or are you more of a by-the-seat-of-your-pants writer?

BW: I started as a pantser. But as my book plots became increasingly more complicated, I found it necessary to do quite a bit of planning ahead of writing. I don’t outline exactly. I might not know everything that is going to happen, but I have a good rough notes page and detailed character sketches.

NA: Which kind of scenes are the hardest for you to write?

BW: Action, dialogue, sex?

NA: What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

BW: I spend time with family. My mom is going to turn 89 in December. We live three hours apart so I make a point of spending three days every three weeks with her. I have one granddaughter who is six. FDW and I try to get her for a few days a couple of times a month. I also love to take long walks and go to the movies.

NA: What are your top three favorite books of all time?

BW: The first several books in the Outlander series, Shogun, A Circle of Friends. By the way, this was a difficult question. Another day might find me answering differently.

NA: A pet peeve.

BW: People who don’t listen, like they ask me a question and interrupt me or gaze off into the distance as if I’m the most boring person in the world.

NA: Why did you choose the shirt you have on?

BW: I live in Arizona and by noon, I have to take off the sweatshirt and put on a sleeveless tee shirt. So, here I sit in shorts and a tee.

NA: What errand/chore do you despise the most?

BW: I don’t mind cleaning up and washing dishes after a meal, but for some reason I’m totally annoyed by putting dishes back in the cupboard.

NA: What are you working on now?

BW: I’m so excited about a series set in the fiction town of Joshua, Arizona. If you are familiar with Arizona, you’ll recognize the ghost town of Jerome. It is a tourist town, hanging on the side of a mountain where gold and copper were mined back in the day. The hippies moved in to the nearly dead town in the 60s and now it is a destination. My characters are quirky, the suspense is thrilling, and the setting inspires me.

I’m also starting the process to have The Power of Love and Murder made into an audiobook.

NA: Do you have free audio codes for your audiobooks?

BW: Yes! Comment here that you are interested or send me an email.

Say hello to Brenda!

Brenda WhitesideBrenda Whiteside is the author of suspenseful, action-adventure romance. Mostly. She signed her first book contract in 2009. After living in six states and two countries—so far—she and her husband have decided they are gypsies at heart. After three years on a small farm in Paulden, Arizona, they retired to their RV in Tonto Basin to think about their next move. Three years later, they’re still there. They share their home with a rescue dog named Amigo. While FDW is fishing, Brenda writes stories of discovery and love entangled with suspense.

Visit Brenda at

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Darn that Social Media #MFRWauthor

Marketing on social mediaI’m not quite a Luddite, but close to it. I wasn’t always this way. Time was, I was considered a leader in computer and Internet usage. I posted on Yahoo groups with the best of them to promote my books, and could make Outlook, Word and Excel sing. Then I took a break.

When I came back into writing and using the computer had changed. I prefer email, but really, does anyone use email any more? It seems that everyone is DMing (it took me a heck of a long time to figure out what DM meant. Use your words, people!) on Twitter, Messaging on Facebook, and whatever they call it on LinkedIn. Ironically, I receive a message in my Outlook Inbox telling me I have a message on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Couldn’t people just email me to begin with??

How to receive messages was only the beginning. In order to promote our work, we now need to post daily—more often would be infinitely better, I’m told—on all of those. I don’t have Instagram or Pinterest accounts or I Social mediawould be spending even more time at the keyboard. And that doesn’t include blogging or managing a newsletter. By the time I create blog posts, both for those appearing on the Nomad Authors blog and for when I appear on the blog sites of others, I’m pooped.

Hubby used to complain that I spent so much time posting on Yahoo that I decreased my writing time significantly. He could say the same now about social media promoting. Truthfully, I never noticed any changes in sales when I used Yahoo, and I wonder if there are sales changes with all of this other promoting. I have been told point blank that we can promote 24×7 on social media and there would be no difference in sales or exposure. But who is willing to take that chance? Not me.

So is social media a friend or foe? Like most things in life, we have to do whatever we think works as well as what we enjoy, plus a bit of what we don’t enjoy, just because…well, because. I really enjoy Twitter and I don’t mind LinkedIn. I’m not a fan of Facebook but recognize that it’s expected for us to use. And I have to admit, I really enjoy blogging and our newsletter, Aussie to Yank (subscribe here). So I will keep on and hope you will keep on reading, retweeting, commenting.

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Mystic Desire: A collection of supernatural tales sure to keep you up at night, peering into the shadows! Or just wide awake, reading.
Only a Good Man Will Do
Naval Maneuvers

NANOWRIMO or bust! #MFRWauthor

NANOWRIMOI’ve always considered myself a pretty fast writer—when I write. I mean, I could eat lunch at work and still knock out a thousand words. I have written a 90K word book in a month. But the one year I tried NANOWRIMO, I choked. Couldn’t write 300 words in a day. Couldn’t get through a chapter in a week. Couldn’t… Well, couldn’t finish NANOWRIMO.

I felt like such a failure, but every day when I got home from work and saw that I hadn’t met my word count for the day, I panicked. Of course, I thought “I’ll make it up tomorrow,” but then I didn’t. I know it’s only a campaign against oneself, but the more I didn’t meet the goals I was supposed to, the more my stomach wrapped itself into knots. I felt the pressure. I felt the pain. I did not enjoy the experience at all.

I know some people (I know some people!) have written their novels duringWriting during NANOWRIMO NANOWRIMO, but I did not. The discipline that NANOWRIMO gives you is a good thing, but when faced with it I turned out to be the biggest wuss ever. It’s not for me, I’m afraid. But for those who thrive under the NANOWRIMO pressure, more power to you! Enjoy the month. I’ll be cheering you on from the sidelines.

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Mystic Desire: A collection of supernatural tales sure to keep you up at night, peering into the shadows! Or just wide awake, reading.
Only a Good Man Will Do
Naval Maneuvers

5 Writing rituals for success #MFRWauthor

Writing books is not magicWhen I first saw the topic for the week, writing rituals, I had to stop and think. I don’t have any writing rituals. I know that writing a book takes work—it’s not magic (darn it!). But I have trouble thinking of it as a job to do every day. I’ve let my dreams fizzle without intending to. Anyway, because I have no writing rituals of my own, I looked up the topic and found this great article in a 2015 HuffPost article.

Author Jennifer Blanchard has created a killer process made of routine and ritual that keeps her focused and creative. I like her points! I’m going to try to work her ideas into my day…and maybe finish that stupid book I’ve been halfheartedly working on for a year. Here is what Jennifer does for herself:

  • Write before I do anything else (Routine). Write before you do anything else—put your writing first. It’s important. Treat it as such, like John does. See? He starts every day writing. I like that routine, John!

Start your day writing

  • Write five days a week at least (Routine). Everyone needs a break. Pick a day or two where you don’t write or don’t write as much, but success requires action. Be sure to write every other day!
  • Release fears, doubts, and excuses (Ritual). Our topic a couple of weeks ago was how fear is our greatest enemy. Jennifer recommends an action—write down your fears, your self-doubts, and excuses that allow you to justify not writing, and burn them. Let them go. They’re holding you back.
  • Acting “as if” (Ritual). This explanation struck me between the eyes. Hubby has said so many times that I get up to the edge of making my Writing as an important businesswriting matter and then I back off. Jennifer asks in this point, if you were a bestselling author, would you put your writing “off all the time or would you site down every day and write?” Wow. I really want to follow through on this point!
  • Amping up your mindset (Ritual). Simply put, believe in yourself. Don’t let preconceived notions about what you can or can’t do keep you from achieving your writing goals. Jennifer suggests making two columns on a piece of paper. On the left, list negative notions about being a successful writer. On the right, list the counter thought to the negative. Then adopt the ideas on the right. For me, I would list the self-doubt on the left that I can never measure up to friends of mine who are authors. On the right I need to say that I can be the best writer I can be. Then I need to adopt that notion. Affirmations work!

All in all, I found this article right when I needed it. I’m sending Jennifer a thank you note! 😉 We all need aids to reach our goals for writing. Jennifer’s process starts with routine and then uses the positive thinking that comes with the rituals. Find a routine that works for you. Then make the affirmations and believe them. What do you have to lose?

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Mystic Desire: A collection of supernatural tales sure to keep you up at night, peering into the shadows! Or just wide awake, reading.
Only a Good Man Will Do
Naval Maneuvers