Charity Sunday: Raising Men [Women] Lawn Care Service

Charity Sunday: Dee S. KnightHow Charity Sunday works: for every comment made on this blog post, I will donate money to the charity named. The same promise is made for every blog site listed in the group–click the Linky Links link at the bottom of this post to see the list of participants and read/comment on any of them to see a donation go to that blogger’s charity. We’re all different! Thanks for your help and your participation!

Raising Men [and Women] Lawn Care Service is a charity I’d never heard of until a few weeks ago when they were featured on a morning talk show. I was intrigued. A man one day had the idea of involving kids in giving back to their communities. Talk about a single person making a difference! This is one of the most basic forms of charity—giving locally and directly to those in need. The idea is this: have a kid commit to cutting 50 lawns (or shovel snow or rake leaves) for elderly people (or other needy people) for free in the child’s own community. If they make their commitment, the founder will travel to the child’s town, cut a lawn with him/her, present the shirt that represents reaching the commitment (each 10 lawns cut earns a new colored shirt), and presents a new lawn mower. The rewards can be unimaginable for the child and for the community, too. I love this idea. Please comment on this blog and I will donate to this interesting and worthwhile cause!

The Man of Her Dreams
A contemporary, paranormal erotic romance

The Man of Her Dreams by Dee S. KnightBlurb:
A woman who has traveled thousands of miles searching for a tall man with brilliant blue eyes, a man she’s been dreaming of for months. A man whose life is in danger—or so the screwy woman having dreams and visions says—but who doesn’t believe for one minute in the occult. A man who has been thought dead for two years and who disappeared with a bundle in stolen cash. How will these three people come together? And who will be left standing at the end of their encounter?

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Kindle Unlimited

The road sign indicating that Greenwood was only seventeen miles away was a blessing. It had been a long day and all Cassandra wanted was dinner, a drink of something strong and a hot shower. All of that would be hers, she promised herself, once she got to her goal, Greenwood.

I can keep going for another seventeen miles. Then, after dinner, drink and a shower, she would fall into bed and hopefully have a good night’s sleep, without the dreams that had plagued her for the past two months.

She sighed with relief as she passed through the town of Abbeville and saw another sign that said she was a mere thirteen miles from Greenwood. Smiling in anticipation, she picked up speed only to hear a loud bang and feel the car pull sharply to the right. With a firm hand on the wheel, she coasted to the side of the road.

The problem was, unfortunately, with the front tire. As she stooped to take a look, she cringed. It was definitely more than flat, it was totally blown out. Damn. That meant buying a new tire rather than just getting this one patched.

She stood and slammed her hand on the hood in frustration and fatigue. After more than ten hours of driving that day, this delay was the last thing she needed.

Sighing, and then laughing, more as a means to keep from crying as anything else, she opened the passenger door to find her cell phone. The sound of a diesel engine drew her attention to the back of her car, where the largest pickup truck she had ever seen was stopping behind her, its four-way flashers blinking.

The late afternoon sun blinded her slightly, so she put her hand up to shade her eyes. Even so, all she could determine was a shape coming toward her, tall, broad-shouldered, with a wide chest narrowing to a lean waist and hips. Long legs propelled the man toward her. When he got closer, he smiled and she could see straight, white teeth and the bluest eyes she had ever seen, set into a tanned face. His hair was dark brown and a little shaggy, but all in all, he was a wonderful specimen of manhood. A dream of a man, literally.

When he stopped beside her, she looked up into his face in amazement. “It’s you!”

Author Dee S. Knight:

A few years ago, Dee S. Knight began writing, making getting up in the morning fun. During the day, her characters killed people, fell in love, became drunk with power, or sober with responsibility. And they had sex, lots of sex.

After a while, Dee split her personality into thirds. She writes as Anne Krist for sweeter romances, and Jenna Stewart for ménage and shifter stories. All three of her personas are found on the Nomad Authors website ( Fortunately, Dee’s high school sweetheart is the love of her life and husband to all three ladies! Once a month, look for Dee’s Charity Sunday blog posts, where your comment can support a selected charity.

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Sweet ‘n Sassy Divas

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6 thoughts on “Charity Sunday: Raising Men [Women] Lawn Care Service”

  1. Hello, Dee,

    What a fabulously creative charity! Simple and I’ll bet really effective – one kid at a time!

    Thanks for joining us today, and for sharing the snippet of your paranormal tale (since it IS Halloween)!

  2. I love the idea behind your chosen charity! It allows kids to give back and creates that great feeling of satisfaction that comes with helping someone.

    1. Absolutely, Pia! It’s something kids don’t have to feel overwhelmed about yet they still can have a world of satisfaction. And they see the results of their work right away. Thanks for commenting!

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