Sealing the deal #MFRWsteam

The Triple S Bride by Dee S. KnightThe Triple S Bride

Sabina Volt signs on to be a futuristic mail order bride in an effort to escape her abusive fiancé on Earth. And oh, yeah, the attempted murder charge he trumped up to bring her back from wherever she escaped. She flew off into the universe to marry rancher Walt Sheridan on C8282, but she is in for a surprise. She thinks she’s marrying Walt. Instead, she’s marrying the Sheridans: Walt and his two brothers, Charlie and Dan. C8282 holds all kinds of new dangers—versas and grenetts and more—but it also holds a whole lot a lovin’.

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MFRW SteamExcerpt:
Walt nearly lost control. He found Sabrina’s lips and kissed her with all the pent up longing of a man who’d been without sex far too long. In the eight years he and his brothers had lived on C8282, he mostly worked off sexual tension on the ranch.

His trips to Harken City proved unsatisfactory and now he knew why. Being with a whore in no way compared to having Sabina touch him, or ride his cock, even through their clothes. He’d wanted her with something akin to pain since she stepped off the shuttle and now—Lord have mercy, she was his. As soon as they sealed the contract by consummating the marriage, he could have her any time he wanted. In his mind’s eye he saw nights stretching out to eternity filled with wanting Sabina.

She moaned into his mouth and he took charge, slipping his tongue between her lips and past her teeth into the hot, wet recess of her mouth. His brain ran through all the reasons why they should wait. They didn’t know each other, didn’t know if things would work. She was vulnerable and alone in a strange place.

And then there was the small matter of her arrest warrant on Earth. Quickly, he rejected every objection. On C8282, folks lived life by different standards than on Earth. He had no proof, but he thought there was more to the attempted murder claim than had been portrayed on the Comm.

Right now he couldn’t concentrate on that. With her hot twat mere inches from his dick, he didn’t give a flying fuck about what some guy light years away said about his bride.

Yeah, oh God, yeah. He thrust his tongue and pulled out, thrust and pulled back, which seemed to please her. She rubbed his cock harder, sending shockwaves through his body. In moments he’d be mindless with need. He kneaded her firm, round ass through her jeans, then pushed up her bra and palmed her nipple, already beaded and hard. If he could press his finger against her clit and into her pussy, he knew he’d find her wet and ready. She was all woman. All for him. God, he wanted her.

“I thought you were dead,” she blurted.

Her hands roamed over him, alternately rubbing and caressing. Which pleased him more he couldn’t say, the almost innocent brushing of her fingers or the bold grip as she traveled up and down his length. His close call with the versa didn’t even rank in the top ten things on his mind.

“Versa,” he managed to say. “Dead.” God, her breast felt good. So heavy in his hand. He stroked her nipple with his thumb. She arched her back, pressing into him. More than anything he wanted to lose himself in her. He pushed her away far enough to pull her blouse over her head, still buttoned. “Get you out of those clothes,” he mumbled, seeing her breast at last. He cupped it, testing its weight, admiring its full roundness, softer than a grenett’s coat. She trembled at his touch and he about lost it.

“What’s a versa?”

Her fingers furrowed through his hair sending shivers down his back. He lifted her, fitting his mouth over her nipple and sucking. A fragrance struck his nostrils. Lilacs. She must have dabbed perfume in the deep dip between her breasts. For me? He liked the possibility.

The scent knocked him off kilter, throwing him into memories of Earth, where he’d grown up. Sweet God, making love to Sabina would be like—

He almost thought heaven on Earth, but long ago he’d left the notion of both places behind. A sense of rightness, of wholeness settled over him.

“What’s a versa?” she repeated.

“What?” Walt fought the haze of lust to focus on her question. “Oh. They roam wild here. Mostly at night.” He dropped kisses along her jawline. “Very dangerous. But don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe.”

“I believe you.”

She said the words softly, but her tone showed she meant it. A place deep inside warmed with something other than lust, other than want and need. C8282 was dangerous in a way Earth wasn’t. He knew that a stranger to the planet would need his care, expertise and experience, and he’d been prepared to provide it to Sabina as he would to any newcomer. This was far greater. His overwhelming desire to protect her surprised him.

He’d pulled the versa carcass to the side of the road, and others would be coming to investigate, following the scent of blood. Instead of fucking, he should be keeping watch and making sure Sabina stayed safe inside the truck.

Too bad about that. Making her truly his sealed his role, made her part of his family. He wanted that more than he imagined he would.

“Don’t worry,” he said, “nothing will hurt you.”

“I wasn’t worried.” She ran her thumb across his bottom lip. “Not now.”

He took her thumb inside his mouth and sucked, all the while fumbling to unzip her slacks.

Staring at his mouth she licked her lips. “Let me,” she said, eyes glazed. She slipped off his lap.

Walt heard a zipper and the rustle of clothes coming off while he ripped off his T-shirt and pushed his jeans to his knees. His cock pulsed, aching for relief.

Seconds later, Sabina straddled him again. Immediately she guided his throbbing cock to her pussy and sank onto it.

When she would have risen to her knees, Walt gripped her hips. It was keep her from moving or shooting off like an inexperienced kid with his first girl. Instead, he took a moment to appreciate what he held. Her blue eyes shone with desire. Back arched, her firm, round tits offered themselves to him and he took a sweet lick. Her body was perfect, absolutely perfect.

“It’s a little late, but are you sure? This binds us, you know. If you’ve changed your mind, I’ll put this moment aside.” He had to say it just in case, but he hoped like hell she wanted this as much as he did.

She didn’t speak with words. She rolled her hips over his, seating his cock and scraping her sex across his thatch of hair. Nothing she could have said would have made him any happier.

24 thoughts on “Sealing the deal #MFRWsteam”

    1. Savanna, I’m so sorry! Don’t know why your posts aren’t appearing. But I have you now. 😉 Three off-world cowboys would love to host you, I’m sure!! Thank you for commenting!

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