Men (and women) in uniform #MFRWHooks

Naval Maneuvers by Dee S. KnightBlurb from Naval Maneuvers:
Men and women of the armed forces experience lust and love pretty much like everyone else. Except, well, there is that uniform. And the hard-to-resist attraction of “duty, honor, service” as a man might apply them to a woman’s pleasure. All things considered, romance among the military is a pretty sexy, compelling force for which you’d better be armed, whether Weighing Anchor and moving forward into desire, Dropping Anchor and staying put for passion, or setting a course for renewed love with Anchor Home. Explore the world of love and the military and see just how hot Naval Maneuvers can be.

Book Hooks MFRW

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Naval Maneuvers by Dee S. KnightShe cleared her throat. Finally concentrating on the map he held she asked, “Where are we again?” Jeez. The thing had to have every trail in the area on it. Even with this map, she’d be just as lost.

He studied the paper for a few seconds and then folded it so he could use one hand to hold it. With the other he pointed. “We’re here. I’d say if you head back west about a mile and then turn north you’ll run right into the campground.” Sure enough, right under his finger was a mark for Paradise Valley Campground. “About four miles should do it.”

“Four miles?”

“Done in?” He smiled and in the dappled sunlight his eyes twinkled and his straight teeth seemed blindingly white. He was good looking enough to be a model. An underwear model. Yeah, her mind’s eye pictured him in only underwear. She licked her lips.

Unfortunately, in her current state—more hair pulled loose from her ponytail than still in it, Redskins ball cap half on, half off, scratches on her arms and legs, and probably smears of grime from where she’d wiped sweat off her face—she must look more like a reject from Deliverance.

“I’ve been out since about ten and I’m not used to these mountains. I usually do my running on flat ground.”

“Did you have plenty of water with you and something to eat?”

“Water, yes. But only a cup of trail mix.”

He raised his brows until the right brow disappeared under the shock of hair on his forehead. “Where do you normally run?”

“Around D.C.”

“Ah. Where there’s a coffee shop every few blocks.”

Just because she was lost was no friggin’ cause for him to patronize her. “I normally run ten to fifteen miles a day with nary a coffee break. This is just my first time here, and I’m not quite used to the ups and downs.”

“They do call them ‘mountains.'”

And they do call them assholes. Shocks of sexual electricity and hyper-attraction did not excuse a man from being a dick. “You’re right. So right. Thanks for the help. I’ll be on my way now.” After consulting her compass once more she started west, the thought of four miles draining what was left of her energy. But she could do it. Four miles was nothing. Nothing. She did more than that every day of the week.

A branch knocked the cap off her head just as a vine caught her leg and she fell, sliding on her butt into a shallow ravine. Her hair clung to her neck and face. She pulled strands out of her mouth, off her forehead and back behind her ears. When had she last been this hot, sweaty, and just plain exhausted? Maintains one, Carie zero.

Leaves rustled behind her and over her head. “You can make the four miles,” he called down to her. “I don’t have any doubts about it. Or you can walk half a mile to the road and I’ll drive you.”

Half a mile? There’s a friggin’ road half a mile away? Why didn’t he point that out on his little Boy Scout map?

Sighing, she dragged herself to her feet and started up the five yards of hillside that looked more like a mountain. When she was close to the top, he extended his hand. She took it and another spark sizzled up her arm, across her shoulder, and zipped south. Good God! He was like a sexual magnetic pole. If she pointed her compass at him, the needle would snap right to S-E-X.

Naval Maneuvers by Dee S. KNight

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9 thoughts on “Men (and women) in uniform #MFRWHooks”

  1. Love these lines:

    This is just my first time here, and I’m not quite used to the ups and downs.”
    “They do call them ‘mountains.’”
    And they do call them assholes.

    Love the banner and sexual tension.

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