To write is to be a pantser #MFRWauthor

Hello. My name is Dee, and I am a pantser.

Honestly, I’ve tried so hard to be a plotter but it just doesn’t happen. The closest I come is to plan things in my head. And maybe a little closer is a class I took on using motivation to plot. (Laurie Schnebly Campbell, Plotting Via Motivation, It’s a great class and Laurie is a wonderful teacher, but I still haven’t wrapped my head around how to apply it beyond the “classroom.” I think it needs practice, and if IA plotter weren’t a pantser I’d be better at practicing stuff.

I believe my biggest problem with being an organized plotter is that I procrastinate, and I tend toward the lazy. Plotting—actually thinking through the course of the book and characters and sticking to (pretty much) the plan takes discipline and effort.

And me? Listen. I agreed to marry my husband on the spur of the moment while we were driving along the highway. We had a nine-day engagement. When we decided to drive truck, we didn’t check out the company, just finished our lease, sold our furniture, and took off through four states, trusting things would work out.

So you see, I’m not much on planning, and never have been. When I climb in the car, I don’t mind taking a map but I don’t want to plan to ruin the fun Starting point, ending pointof driving wherever the spirit takes me. And like my driving, if I didn’t write by the seat of my pants, I wouldn’t write at all. Being a pantser is for better or worse, just like my marriage.

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Only a Good Man Will Do: Seriously ambitious man seeks woman to encourage his goals, support his (hopeful) position as Headmaster of Westover Academy, and be purer than Caesar’s wife. Good luck with that!

Naval Maneuvers: When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!

6 thoughts on “To write is to be a pantser #MFRWauthor”

  1. I can relate to Dee. I’m a pantser and life has at times led me in interesting directions. Like Dee, if I couldnt write by the seat of my pants, I couldn’t write at all. I start with an idea and two characters and go from there.
    Its good to be organized but I feel impulse and taking a chance makes life more interesting.

  2. My pantser tendencies show up when I write and when I shop. Case in point: last winter I bought an amber and silver bracelet. The vendor said something about finding out what it was. I replied, “It’s mine, that’s what it is.”

  3. Whatever gets the book written is the best way. It’s not the same for everyone. Classes are great, but ultimately everyone needs to find their own way to work.

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