APPing: For Better or Worse? #MFRWauthor

Apps, apps, and more appsAre you married to your APPs? If so, you might be wasting a good bit of time. I wouldn’t say I’m tied to my APPs—and I don’t have very many of them—but I do have an on-again-off-again love affair with a few of them.

  • Solitaire: This is my all time favorite time-wasting APP. I play Solitaire when I’m bored, when I’m watching/listening to my Investigate Discovery shows, when I’m doing the same to the news, or when hubby says he’ll be on the computer for a few minutes and I don’t want to pick up the Kindle. It’s a good all-around APP!
  • News APP: I check my favorite news APP at least twice a day.
  • Weather APP: I keep up with my weather, my mom’s, my in-laws’, and West Yellowstone. Why West Yellowstone? Just because.
  • Text: When needed.
  • Google Maps: If I’m watching something and a town is mentioned, I must know where that town is.
  • Google: I use this stupid APP all the time! Can’t tell you all the silly thing I look up. If an actress looks familiar, I have to know where else I’ve seen her. If someone mentions a constitutional amendment, I have to know what that amendment says. What did we do before Google? We spent more time at the library and less time looking up a thousand times a day.

Those are pretty much the only APPs I use. I wish I could delete the extra ones Apple puts on the phones that I will never use but I push them to the back screens. I would say that most of the APPS I listed above are time The ubiquitous Solitairewasters. I got along for the vast majority of my life without having weather, Google, Solitaire, etc. at my fingertips and led a very happy life. I think I could have gone the rest of my life without them. But since I do have them… Pardon me while I go play a game of Solitaire.

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Only a Good Man Will Do: Seriously ambitious man seeks woman to encourage his goals, support his (hopeful) position as Headmaster of Westover Academy, and be purer than Caesar’s wife. Good luck with that!

Naval Maneuvers: When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!

8 thoughts on “APPing: For Better or Worse? #MFRWauthor”

  1. After reading all these posts I see I do use more Apps than I thought. I am working on limiting them. I think there may be a way to delete apps you don’t use. Try googling it. I am doing that this weekend myself as I have installed many that pop up wanting paid or I don’t use.

  2. Hi, Dee. Did you know that your link on the MFRW blog-hop doesn’t link to this post?
    It’s interesting to see who uses which apps on a daily basis. Good point about Google–now we can satisfy our slightest curiosity with a few taps on a little screen. I wonder what effect that’s having on our memories.

  3. I remember playing Solitaire on the computer way back when. I haven’t done so in almost 20 years.

  4. Love your post title. I forgot to mention a few apps I use like weather and news. They don’t seem like apps, but they are. I’m a fan of solitaire and use it too about like you do. It’s only on my laptop.

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