The Brute and I blog tour

Suzanne Smith’s The Brute and I was not what I expected. I thought I would get a Beauty and the Beast kind of story, I guess because of the title. What I didn’t expect was The Brute and Ia tale of hope, forgiveness, love, and redemption, but that’s what I found. Well written and well developed, the story of Marco and Alex shows the way back for a love that lasts.

The Brute and I tackles three important issues in a sensitive way: relationship abuse, alcoholism, and the lack of self-esteem that can bring both on. That she talks about these things in a way that feels painless and yet engrosses the reader is a testament to her skill as a writer. I really enjoyed the book—it was every bit as surprising as it was good, and I mean both of those things in the very best way.

Please join Sassy Brit on Wednesday. And don’t forget to check out how to win the Amazon gift voucher and free eBooks! Or check out the information on the BVS site.

When Marco struts into Gigi’s grill, Alex wonders if she has found the one. When he takes the seat next to her and strikes up a conversation, She is immediately aroused by the heat of his animal magnetism. There is something she sees in his vulnerable, piercing green eyes that touches her heart. She realizes that she wants this handsome man to be more than just her bedmate. She wants him to be her soulmate.

Marco was instantly smitten the moment he fixed his eyes on Alex. There was something about her warm, sympathetic gaze that filled him with hope. Maybe he had a chance to overcome the bitterness and despair that had blighted his life. Perhaps finally some measure of happiness is within his grasp.

The love between them quickly blossoms, but there is a dark cloud on the horizon. For no reason Marco can see, Alex suddenly becomes sullen and withdrawn. He worries that she is slipping away from him. The idea of losing her affection and being forced to retreat back into the cold, black, pit of despair, is more than he can stand. He only knows one way to deal with the pain he is feeling.

Can their love survive the turmoil and grow into something good once more?

Buy links:
Barnes and Noble

Author Suzanne SmithSuzanne grew up in Bucktown, a bustling community on the Northwest side of Chicago. She attended North Park College and earned a Bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts.

Currently, she works full time as the manager of a dental office located in the Gold Coast area of Chicago. When she’s not working, she lieks to curl up on the sofa and watch a good movie or read a good book with her two rescue cats.

Her debut novel, The Brute and I, is a gritty romance that gives the reader a glimpse into the dark and volatile side of new love.


Black Velvet Seductions:

Naval Maneuvers When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!

8 thoughts on “The Brute and I blog tour”

  1. I can’t wait to read that book. I love romances that tackle serious, adult themes whilst still making it part of an engrossing story. I wonder what inspired Suzanne to write that particular story?

    1. I don’t know, Alice, but I thought she did a great job. It’s good to be reminded that romance isn’t fluffy, no-thought stuff! Thanks for commenting!

    2. Hi Alice,
      Sorry for the late reply. I wanted to write a romance, but an unconventional one, with the characters facing many of the same life shattering problems that some of us face either growing up or later in life, such as alcoholism or the death of a loved one. When I started writing The Brute and I, the characters were so damaged by past trauma, I truly did not know how or even if they would find a way back into the light. I guess the message I wanted to send was that there is always hope, that the human spirit always prevails.

  2. Hi Dee,
    I am glad that you enjoyed my debut novel, The Brute And I. I must admit I was a little concerned that my readers might be put off by the dark overtone of the story as well as the unconventional nature of the main characters, Alex and Marco. That you saw their story as one of forgiveness and redemption pleases me to no end, because that was exactly the light in which I hoped it would be seen. I think we can all learn a lesson about the power of love from these two flawed yet resilient human beings. Thank you for having me here today. It was a pleasure.

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