If I Couldn’t Be a Writer…? #MFRWauthor

To write or not to write. That is the question, to paraphrase the bard. I took this question to mean what would I be if I couldn’t be a writer, instead of what would I do if I couldn’t write books on the side. Let’s see. If not a writer, I’d have been a clerk, a librarian, a truck driver, a teacher, a technical writer, and an editor, in various, multiple scenarios.

Fact is, I never planned to be a writer. I didn’t grow up saving journals stacked high full of stories I’d imagined for years, or regaling my friends and relatives with fantasy and other tidbits of make believe. I’d always planned to be something in medicine or archaeology. When I attended college there were no writing courses or fine arts degrees, so I suppose it’s not so strange that I never thought of writing as any kind of pastime, much less a career. Instead, a few years after graduation, hubby and I went trucking. Then suddenly I had lots of opportunities to make up stories about places and people we’d seen stories I kept stored in my mind.

Years later, when I was hard up for something to do with myself for a few months, my husband suggested I take some of those ideas and put them into a book. That’s the first time I ever considered the wonderful world of authorship and for a few years all I did was write. It was glorious! If someone had tried to make me stop then, I’d have poked them with my virtual pen. Then life stepped in and I went back to work full time. Now I’ve come back to writing again and it’s like coming home in the best way. So what would I do if I couldn’t write? Nothing else so rewarding or satisfying.

Dee S. Knight website
Naval Maneuvers coming soon from Black Velvet Seductions

3 thoughts on “If I Couldn’t Be a Writer…? #MFRWauthor”

  1. I’m similar that way, writing isn’t what I laid awake at night dreaming about. I enjoy it (most days) now that I do it. The stories are always coming to me and I look forward to the next one.

    1. Hi, Meka. I know, right? It’s hard to keep all of the characters and story lines out of your mind once you’ve started writing. It’s fun…mostly! 😉

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