The Best Gift Ever! #MFRWauthor

As usual, I want to jump the guidelines of the blog topic and talk about TWO best gifts, but I won’t. Well, okay, I will just a touch. Runner up best gift was in 1999 when Jack gifted me something I’d barely read about—an electronic book reader! Yes, they were out that far back. It was made by RCA and weighed about as much as the Kindle. Indents on the back for fingers and a rounded edge that fit perfectly into the palm, made it so easy to hold and turn pages. I swear, that thing changed my reading life!

But the first thing I thought of when considering the best gift is a Kitchen Aid stand mixer. My mother-in-law had one that she had received when Jack was a young boy. She still used it 25 years later. Then she traded it in for a newer model. Fortunately, Jack didn’t do that with me after 25 years, but I digress.

Back then I did a lot of cooking and we also hosted quite a few holidays and dinners for family and friends. I wanted a Kitchen Aid with every fiber of my being. At the time, we lived in Virginia and my mom lived in Dallas, so every two years we would use ChristmasBest gift under the tree break (I taught) to drive to Texas, visit for a few days and then hightail it back home. One particular Texas Christmas, Jack carried into the house the gifts we had brought for Mom, my aunt, and cousins. On Christmas Eve, after midnight Mass, we were sitting around and quietly letting the night and season wash over us. My grandmother asked, “What would you like for Christmas, darling?” I said, looking hopefully at Jack, “I don’t think I will get it, but I’d really like a Kitchen Aid.” Quick as lightning, Jack answered, “Some people are just born to be disappointed!” We all laughed, said our goodnights and went off to wait for sleigh bells signaling the arrival of you-know-who.

So, the next morning we all had a bite to eat, filled our coffee cups and gathered around the tree to distribute gifts. Jack gave me a mysterious round present that turned out to be two stainless steel bowls taped edge to edge and filled with mixing spoons, a whisk, and measuring cups and spoons. I was thrilled—can’t have too many kitchen items! Then when everything was open, Jack pulled out one more gift, and this one was Kitchen Aid gift!big and heavy. Yup! It was a beautiful, shiny white Kitchen Aid! I was so surprised. By everyone’s reaction, I must have looked pretty funny. In fact, I did, as witnessed by the photos I saw afterward. I’m sure I didn’t stop smiling for the whole rest of the holiday. And Jack benefitted many times over with all kinds of breads, cakes, and goodies.

Read the next blog in the blog hop by going here.

Naval Maneuvers When a woman requires an earth-shattering crush of pleasure to carry her away, she can’t do better than to call on the US Navy. Sorry, Marines!

4 thoughts on “The Best Gift Ever! #MFRWauthor”

    1. So true! I finally learned that a sharp knife makes all the difference. No wonder all those TV chefs can cut an onion so easily! Thanks for your comment.

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