Hiding or On Display?

The other night hubby and I were at one of our favorite family-style restaurants in town. Our server wore a pair of glasses that one couldn’t help but notice—and I did. They were tortoise shell in color but with large frames that boasted small little flares on the outer tops. Like wings or cats’ ears. I loved them. Finally, I had to comment on how cute they were. She proudly told me that she’d bought them online and how inexpensive they were. “And they’re prescription, too!”

Now, it wouldn’t have occurred to me that she would be wearing a pair of glasses with plain glass in the frames. She wasn’t purely showing off. She needed glasses and she bought flamboyant frames to hold the prescription glass. I loved it! They really seemed to suit her personality.

I have worn glasses since I was 15. I’ve never considered wearing contacts and the main reason is I’ve always considered glasses to be a way to hide. I was always kind of shy (still am in groups larger than four or five) and glasses were a good method of holding myself back from others. Since seeing our cute waitress and how happy she seemed to be “out there,” I’ve thought about the difference between us and how it shows in something as simple as a pair of glasses.

What’s your style? Do you hide behind glasses or some other device?

Or do you happily let your personality shine?

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